A software design tool for microwave radio

Ashraf Gasim Elsid Abdalla, and Mahamod Ismail, and Ahmad Faizal WM. Zain, (1997) A software design tool for microwave radio. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 9 .

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This paper deals with wave propagation calculation and cost optimization software development for microwave radio. The software presents a design tool for line of sight link planning. The main cost factor in a microwave network depends on tower structure and antenna heights. Antenna heights are normally chosen to overcome the first Fresnel zone obstruction. A software tool for the analysis and evaluation of a single microwave relay link has been developed. In addition, cost optimization method for a microwave radio network involving more than two antennas has been developed. This paper includes calculations and analysis of the geographical data in the chosen area in order to determine the effective earth's radius to achieve better optimization. In addition, terrain profile generation and microwave point-to-point link calculation was considered

Item Type:Article
Journal:Jurnal Kejuruteraan
ID Code:1335
Deposited By: Ms. Nor Ilya Othman
Deposited On:18 May 2011 01:33
Last Modified:11 Oct 2011 03:45

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