Makanan hantaran dalam perkahwinan Melayu Kelantan: adat dan interpretasi

Aishah@Eshah Haji Mohamed, and Sulong Mohamad, and Haziyah Hussain, (2010) Makanan hantaran dalam perkahwinan Melayu Kelantan: adat dan interpretasi. e-BANGI: Jurnal Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, 5 (1). pp. 103-115. ISSN 1823-884x


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In the Kelantanese Malay weddings, it is a tradition for the bridegrooms and brides to exchange gifts. These gifts, known as hantarans include clothings, jewelaries and food. This article explores the hidden meanings and tradition of food hantarans in the Kelantanese Malay wedding ceremonies,with emphasis on behavior and symbolic aspects associated with food. The discussion here is based on a research in Kelantan that has been completed recently. The Kelantanese Malays have always included food as part of the hantarans, which are presented to either side in uneven numbers. These hantarans are placed neatly and decorated beautifully, befiting the socioeconomic status of the families of the brides, on pahars, containers with four legs, made from copper or bronze. These food hantarans have their own meaning and significance which are discussed in greater detail in this article

Item Type:Article
Keywords:Food symbolism; Malay wedding; Malay custom; food gifts (hantaran)
Journal:e-Bangi ; Jurnal Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan
ID Code:1613
Deposited By: Ms. Nor Ilya Othman
Deposited On:01 Jun 2011 07:32
Last Modified:14 Dec 2016 06:29

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