Language, communication and intercultural understanding in peacekeeping operations

Najjah Salwa Abd Razak, and Ramli H Nik, and Kaseh Abu Bakar, and Mhd Faizal Mhd Ramli, (2018) Language, communication and intercultural understanding in peacekeeping operations. Jurnal Antarabangsa Kajian Asia Barat, 10 (1). pp. 85-95. ISSN 2229-8924


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The deployment of the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) in the various operations since 1960 has clearly attained international recognition. However, the successful cases of Malaysian peacekeepers, specifically from the multidimensional perspective, have not been explored much even though their achievements are significant. This paper attempts to discuss the language and communication among Malaysian peacekeepers deployed in Congo and Somalia. The researchers analyse the intercultural understanding of Malaysian peacekeepers to attain the required mandate as stipulated in the United Nation Security Council. This is a multiple case study comprising of a series of interviews with selected participants deployed in Congo and Somalia. The data was transcribed verbatim and analysed thematically. This study highlights the importance of using appropriate ways of communication while dealing with the locals and peacekeepers. The peacekeeping operations with cultural identity factors made positive contributions to durable peace and stability under certain conditions. A number of recommendations are highlighted and it is hoped to assist the concerned parties in developing a concrete strategy.

Item Type:Article
Keywords:Communication; Intercultural understanding; Language; Peacekeeping
Journal:Jurnal Antarabangsa Kajian Asia Barat ; International Journal of West Asian Studies
ID Code:17699
Deposited By: ms aida -
Deposited On:23 Nov 2021 06:45
Last Modified:27 Nov 2021 03:19

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