Two cases of retinal vasculitis in ocular tuberculosis involving different parts of the vascular system

Kok, Howe Sen and Tara Mary George, and Mae-Lynn Catherine Bastion, and Muhaya Hj Mohamad, (2006) Two cases of retinal vasculitis in ocular tuberculosis involving different parts of the vascular system. Medicine & Health, 1 (1). ISSN 1823-2140


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Two case reports of retinal vasculitis in presumptive ocular tuberculosis are presented. Case 1 is a 26-year-old Malay woman who had phlebitis with choroidal lesions and case 2 is a 27 year old Malay woman who had occlusive arteritis. Both subjects had positive Mantoux tests with negative systemic screen. Both responded clinically to anti-tuberculous therapy within days of commencing therapy. There was however concurrent increase in vitritis which decreased following anti-inflammatory doses of oral corticosteroids. These two cases represent a rare mode of presentation of ocular tuberculosis for which a high index of suspicion is needed. Multidrug anti-tuberculous therapy should be combined with oral corticosteroids for effective treatment

Item Type:Article
Keywords:retinal vasculitis; ocular tuberculosis; Mantoux
Journal:Medicine & Health
ID Code:1896
Deposited By: mr Mustaffa Abu Bakar
Deposited On:16 Jun 2011 04:37
Last Modified:14 Dec 2016 06:30

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