Traffic cones detection for autonomous ground vehicle

Hartono, Rodi and Nizar, Taufiq Nuzwir and Jatmiko, Didit Andri and Wijaya, Feki Pangestu (2022) Traffic cones detection for autonomous ground vehicle. Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia, 11 (1). pp. 65-77. ISSN 2289-2192


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Jelajah V-18 is an autonomous vehicle prototype where can navigate autonomously using Global Positioning System (GPS) for long-distance navigation and can find out the surrounding conditions to navigate short distances using cameras and proximity sensors. The vehicle also has a system that can search and recognize a static object using an image processing system. This research focuses on the detection of an objects in the form of traffic cones using the (Hue, Saturation, Value) HSV method to recognize objects by the color, then with the binary method the image of the object will be converted back to get the edges of the object shape and contour where the system can recognize the shape of the object. Based on the implementation and experiments conducted, the robot can detect traffic cone objects with a success rate of 100 percent at a distance of 1-6 meters and 35.67 percent at a distance of 7 meters.

Item Type:Article
Keywords:Autonomous vehicle; Object detection; HSV method; Binary method; Contour detection
Journal:Asia - Pasific Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia (Formerly Jurnal Teknologi Maklumat dan Multimedia)
ID Code:19428
Deposited By: ms aida -
Deposited On:16 Aug 2022 02:48
Last Modified:18 Aug 2022 08:16

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