Emotion regulation: an exploration of gender differences among adolescents in Malaysia

Siti Rashidah Yusoff, and Suzana Mohd Hoesni, and Noor Azimah Muhammad, (2024) Emotion regulation: an exploration of gender differences among adolescents in Malaysia. e-Bangi Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 21 (1). pp. 400-410. ISSN 1823-884x


Official URL: https://ejournal.ukm.my/ebangi/index


The intricate dynamics of gender roles significantly shape emotion regulation (ER) among adolescents, underscoring the importance of understanding these assigned roles in comprehending adolescents' emotional experiences. This study aimed to investigate and analyze in detail the central aspects of disparities between genders in the utilization of ER strategies. The formulation of the hypotheses aimed to predict significant distinctions between boys and girls, particularly in cognitive reappraisal (CR) and expressive suppression (ES) strategies. A cross-sectional design was employed and implemented in 27 public secondary schools across 12 states in Malaysia. A total of 1,718 adolescents, both boys and girls who did not have any current or prior clinical issues became participants in this study. Using the Malay version of the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents (ERQ-CA), the study's findings contradicted the proposed hypotheses. The findings showed no gender disparities in CR and ES. These findings provide valuable insights for parents, caregivers, teachers, and adolescents, offering a nuanced understanding of ER during the critical stages of adolescence. The implications of ER across genders may guide the development of targeted interventions to address potential gender disparities and mitigate the risk of psychopathological issues.

Item Type:Article
Keywords:Adolescents; Cognitive reappraisal; Expressive suppression; Emotion regulation; Gender
Journal:e-Bangi ; Jurnal Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan
ID Code:23531
Deposited By: Mr. Mohd Zukhairi Abdullah
Deposited On:10 May 2024 08:57
Last Modified:13 May 2024 03:15

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