Reflections on neuroethical issues in neuroimaging research advances from the Islamic perspective

Nurfaizatul Aisyah Ab Aziz, and Muzaimi Mustapha, and Sabarisah Hashim, (2024) Reflections on neuroethical issues in neuroimaging research advances from the Islamic perspective. International Journal of Islamic Thought ( IJIT ), 25 . pp. 122-135. ISSN 2232-1314

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The growth of neuroscientific research from the progress of neurotechnologies imposed an evolving range of potential bioethical issues. In this context, neuroethics offers insightful guides for researchers to deal with such emerging ethical issues in neuroscience research. However, with diverse brain-related research areas worldwide, potential frictions on moral and ethical grounds are likely to surface which inevitably compounded by local traditions and/or belief systems. Potential ethical issues may originate from shared or distinct perspectives depending on the region that can vary from histories, philosophies, moral values, and social stances. Herein, we focused on Islam as the second-largest religious group globally with such diversities. This narrative review aims to highlight the potential neuroethical issues arising from the advances of neuroimaging in neuroscience research from an Islamic perspective through the lens of Islamic legal maxims (al-qawa`id al-fiqhiyyah).

Item Type:Article
Keywords:Ethical issues; Islamic legal maxims; Neuroethics; Neuroimaging
Journal:International Journal of Islamic Thought (IJIT)
ID Code:24020
Deposited By: Noor Marina Yusof
Deposited On:16 Aug 2024 02:47
Last Modified:19 Aug 2024 07:13

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