A systematic literature review of Islamic inheritance in Malaysia

Norhazlina Ibrahim, and Khairatun Hisan Idris Shazali, and Rusgianto, Sulistya (2024) A systematic literature review of Islamic inheritance in Malaysia. Islamiyyat : Jurnal Antarabangsa Pengajian Islam; International Journal of Islamic Studies, 46 (1). pp. 113-133. ISSN 0216-5636


Official URL: https://ejournal.ukm.my/islamiyyat/issue/view/1700


The study aims to expand the existing body of knowledge by highlighting and summarising current studies on Islamic inheritance. Thus, this study presented a map of the research interest and determined primary issues to demonstrate current trends, future research directions, and theory development. A systematic literature review (SLR) approach was employed using the four-step reporting standard for the Systematic Evidence Syntheses (ROSES) review: research question formulation, systematic searching, quality assessment, and data extraction. A total of 33 screened articles between 2008 and 2022 were retrieved from two primary databases (Scopus and Emerald and one supporting database, Google Scholar). The factors were categorised into three primary themes: general, motives and preference studies, and determinant analysis. The themes were subsequently divided into seven sub-themes. Notably, most studies examined unclaimed asset issues based on the determinant analysis. This study offered useful insights into the current research interest regarding the subject. The issues and domains in the current study contribute new knowledge and theory development for future directions in the field. This study addressed empirical gaps and presents an excellent reference relevant for regulators, policymakers, and researchers in comprehending the issues and existing solutions in Islamic inheritance.

Item Type:Article
Keywords:Islamic inheritance; SLR; Islamic wealth management; Islamic finance; Islamic estate planning
Journal:Islamiyyat ; Jurnal Antarabangsa Pengajian Islam; International Journal of Islamic Studies
ID Code:24155
Deposited By: Noor Marina Yusof
Deposited On:10 Sep 2024 07:40
Last Modified:13 Sep 2024 08:48

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