Communication as a cultural performance Islamic employees’ meaning of organizational culture at Catholic institutions

Nugraheni, Yuli and Subiakto, Henri and Isnaini, Santi (2024) Communication as a cultural performance Islamic employees’ meaning of organizational culture at Catholic institutions. e-Bangi Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 21 (3). pp. 599-612. ISSN 1823-884x


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This research focuses on the organisational culture of a university with a religious identity, namely Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University (WMSCU). Pacanowsky and Trujillo suggest that this identity generates a unique organizational culture. This research highlights the experiences of organisational members who have belief values that are different from their organisational values. This study aims to describe the experiences and meanings of Muslim employees regarding Patron Day commemoration as a form of organisational culture at WMSCU. A qualitative approach and phenomenological method are employed in this research. The findings indicate that Muslim employees interpret the Patron Day commemoration as a beneficial activity, recognizing and emulating the values of Patron John Paul's life as a learning opportunity of noble values. It serves as a platform for learning beyond their own beliefs. Ultimately, this meaning contributes to the emergence of religious tolerance, which is reflected in the organisational communication patterns among its members, particularly in personal relationships. The study underscores the importance of striving for two-way communication in the form of interpersonal dialogue to foster a positive organisational culture.

Item Type:Article
Keywords:Organizational communication; Organizational culture; Patron day; Catholic institution; Religious identity
Journal:e-Bangi ; Jurnal Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan
ID Code:24353
Deposited By: Mr. Mohd Zukhairi Abdullah
Deposited On:11 Oct 2024 08:36
Last Modified:17 Oct 2024 14:04

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