Palm oil vitamin E (y-tocotrienol) and hydrogen peroxide trigger apoptosis on hepg2 liver cancer cells by activating the same signaling transduction cascade

Norwahidah, AK and Wan Zurinah, WN (2011) Palm oil vitamin E (y-tocotrienol) and hydrogen peroxide trigger apoptosis on hepg2 liver cancer cells by activating the same signaling transduction cascade. Medicine & Health, 6 (1 Supp). pp. 196-197. ISSN 1823-2140


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Item Type:Article
Keywords:apoptosis; proliferation; GTT; cancer; signaling
Journal:Medicine & Health
ID Code:2845
Deposited By: Ms Arzian
Deposited On:10 Sep 2011 02:27
Last Modified:14 Dec 2016 06:32

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