Non-economic factors which affect economic development of rural Malays.

Mohd. Aris Hj. Othman., (1978) Non-economic factors which affect economic development of rural Malays. AKADEMIKA, 13 . pp. 1-10. ISSN 0126-5008

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This paper is a modest attempt to reexamine the views of Western Orientalists on the economic backwardness of the Malays. It has often been pointed out that the Malays lack initiative and hard work in their economic ventures and for these reasons they have not been able to be at par with the other ethnic groups in the country. It cannot be denied that non-economic factors are important in achieving economic progress. Fecent studies about the Malays have shown that the 'laziness' hypothesis is in many cases only "a myth" and that Malays do have initiative, the skill and are as hardworking as the rest of the population in their attempts to achieve economic progress. Islamic values in ideals are consistent with economic progress and one must be cautious when attributing the dictum 'rezeki secupak tak boleh jadi segantang' in accounting for Malay economic backwardness. Lack of infrastructure especially in marketing and transport coupled with the problems of the middle men has contributed to a large extent to the limited success of the Malays in economy. Moreover there still exists such institutions as the padi kunca and jual janji which further contribute to the hardship of the rural Malays

Item Type:Article
ID Code:4081
Deposited By: Mr Fazli Nafiah -
Deposited On:04 Apr 2012 01:31
Last Modified:04 Apr 2012 01:31

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