Psychographicnc and demographic profiles of credit card and non-cardholders in Urban Malaysia

Indar Kaur Dan Singh, and Md. Nor Othman, (1995) Psychographicnc and demographic profiles of credit card and non-cardholders in Urban Malaysia. Jurnal Pengurusan, 14 . pp. 59-79. ISSN 0127-2713


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The study attempts to delineate the demographic and lifestyle characteristics of male credit card holders and non-holders in Malaysia. The two groups are compared using seven demographic and eight lifestyle variables. The results indicate that credit card holders tend to be slight~v older. married with children, have higher level of education and income, and are either professionals or work in a managerial capacity. The lifestyle profiles indicate that card holders tend to be low in their disbelief in credit, more self confident, socially active, risk oriented and less price conscious in their purchase behaviour.

Item Type:Article
Journal:Jurnal Pengurusan
ID Code:7965
Deposited By: stud01
Deposited On:10 Nov 2014 06:19
Last Modified:14 Dec 2016 06:45

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