Document forensic, the fiqh and the Syariah Courts

Wan Abdul Fattah Wan Ismail, and Lukman Abdul Mutalib, and Zul Hilmi Abdullah, and Abd Hamid Abd Murad, and Nurfadhilah Che Amani, and Madihah Mohammad Khir, (2015) Document forensic, the fiqh and the Syariah Courts. Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 11 (4). pp. 132-139. ISSN 2180-2491


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Technological progress has made falsification of documents increasingly sophisticated and the need for forensic experts or Ra'yu al-Khabir indispensable in the Syariah Courts. This paper discusses the concept and methods of forensic document authentication by experts according to the Islamic law (fiqh). This study combined quantitative and qualitative approaches whereby 181 key informants comprising randomly sampled syariah and civil law experts and practitioners underwent in-depth interviews . Content analysis of the study revealed that respondent knowledge of document authentication methods according to the Islamic law was at the intermediate level with the mean = 3.59 and sd = 0.63 which was not enough to help the Syariah Courts cope with the rapid increase in the falsification rate of documents. This situation needs urgent redress and calls for the establishment of a comprehensive forensic model to provide adequate guidelines for judges and practitioners of the Syariah Courts.

Item Type:Article
Keywords:document authentication, fiqh authentication, expert opinion, forensic, syariah experts, syariah practitioners
Journal:Geografia ; Malaysian Journal of Society and Space
ID Code:9217
Deposited By: ms aida -
Deposited On:08 Nov 2015 15:48
Last Modified:14 Dec 2016 06:49

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