Number of items: 3.
Razak Wahab, and Nasihah Mokhtar, and Ros Syazmini Mohd Ghani, and Mohamad Saiful Sulaiman,
An overview of rattan industry status and its economic aspect in setting up rattan-based industry in Malaysia.
e-BANGI: Jurnal Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, 16
pp. 1-10.
ISSN 1823-884x
Razak Wahab, and Izyan Khalid, and Tamer A. Tabet, and Aminuddin Mohamed, and Othman Sulaiman, and Rafidah Md. Salim, and Farah Wahida Ayob,
Effectiveness of hot oil treatment on cultivated 15 year-old acacia hybrid against coriolus versicolors, gloephyllum trabeum and pycnoporus sanguineus (Keberkesanan rawatan minyak panas terhadap acacia hibrid ladang berumur 15 Tahun didedahkan pada Coriolus versicolors, Gloeophyllum trabeum dan Pycnoporus sanguineus).
Sains Malaysiana, 41
pp. 163-169.
ISSN 0126-6039
Razak Wahab, and Mohd Tarmizi Mustapa, and Othman Sulaiman, and Aminuddin Mohamed, and Affendy Hassan, and Izyan Khalid,
Anatomical and physical properties of cultivated two- and four-year-old bambusa vulgaris.
Sains Malaysiana, 39
pp. 571-579.
ISSN 0126-6039
This list was generated on Wed Mar 26 06:26:42 2025 MYT.