Number of items: 3.
Nor Bakhiah Baharim, and Zulkifli Yusop, and Ismail Yusoff, and Wan Zakaria Wan Muhd Tahir, and Muhamad Askari, and Zainudin Othman, and Mohamed Roseli Zainal Abidin,
The relationship between heavy metals and biomass properties in Polymictic Lake.
Sains Malaysiana, 45
pp. 43-53.
ISSN 0126-6039
Harisaweni, and Zulkifli Yusop, and Fadhilah Yusof,
The use of BLRP model for disaggregating daily rainfall affected
by monsoon in Peninsular Malaysia.
Sains Malaysiana, 45
pp. 87-97.
ISSN 0126-6039
Salarpour, Mohsen and Zulkifli Yusop, and Jajarmizadeh, Milad and Fadhilah Yusof,
Development of generalized feed forward network for predicting
annual flood (depth) of a tropical river.
Sains Malaysiana, 43
pp. 1865-1871.
ISSN 0126-6039
This list was generated on Wed Mar 5 14:41:55 2025 MYT.