Number of items: 103.
Achmad, Dwi Isyana and Ihsanawati, and Hertadi, Rukman
Isolation and characterization of a surfactant-stable protease from halophilic bacteria Chromohalobacter Japonicus BK-AB18.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 37-42.
ISSN 0126-8643
Aishah Suhaimi, and Amiza Mat Amin, and Norizah Mhd Sarbon, and Mohd Effendy Abd. Wahid, and Zaliha Harun,
Purification and characterisation of angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory peptide from blood cockle (Anadara granosa) meat hydrolysate.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 13-21.
ISSN 0126-8643
Aizat Mohd-Razali, and Masduki Mohamad Morni, and Mariam Taib, and Aziz Ahmad,
Phytic acid content and digestibility of coconut residues derived-proteins after solid-state fermentation by Aspergillus awamori.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 121-126.
ISSN 0126-8643
Amiruddin M.N., and Suhaila A.H.,
Composition of Plecoptera (Insecta) fauna in rivers at different altitudes of high mountain in Peninsular Malaysia.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 81-87.
ISSN 0126-8643
Amiza Mat Amin, and Wong, Sher Lee and Kazi Nazira Sharmin,
Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis conditions of seaweed (Gracilaria fisheri) protein by using Alcalase® to obtain maximum angiotensin-I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 99-113.
ISSN 0126-8643
Ang, Kean Hua
Prediction of the level of Water Quality Index using Artificial Neural Network techniques in Melaka River Basin.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 69-74.
ISSN 0126-8643
Annisa Amalia, and Nugrahapraja, Husna
The assessment on RNA quality and banana ripening genes (MaGAPDH, MaACS1, and MaACO1) from flesh tissues with different preservation methods.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 93-97.
ISSN 0126-8643
Arafat Hashim, and Siti Izera Ismail, and Wael Alsultan, and Idris Abu Seman, and Osamah Rashed, and Khairulmazmi Ahmad,
Control of gray mold disease of tomato caused by Botrytis cinerea using bacterial secondary metabolites.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 89-97.
ISSN 0126-8643
Arif, Muhammad Fauzi and Subositi, Dyah and Sari, Aniska Novita and Aristya, Ganies Riza and Lesmana, Indra and Kasiamdari, Rina Sri
Genetic diversity of green chireta (Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Wall. Ex Nees.) from Indonesia based on ISSR and RAPD markers.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 61-68.
ISSN 0126-8643
Asma’ Ali, and Nurul Nabilah Wagimin, and Noor Salihah Zakaria, and Khairil Shazmin Kamarudin, and Hayati Mohd Yusof,
Diet quality and cognitive performance of fishermen’s children in selected region of Terengganu, Malaysia: a cross-sectional study.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 173-180.
ISSN 0126-8643
Azimah Hamidon, and Ramisah M. Shah, and Razifah Mohd Razali, and Suhaizan Lob,
Effect of different types and concentration of rooting hormones on Momordica cochinensis (Gac fruit) root vine cuttings.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 127-132.
ISSN 0126-8643
Azmah Abdul Latif, and Sheh, May Tam and Wickneswari Ratnam,
Characterisation of AmCCR1 and pseudoCOMTAm promoters in Acacia mangium.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 153-158.
ISSN 0126-8643
Badrul Khalid Ariffin, and Fazilah Ariffin,
Biodegradation of azo dye (Reactive Green 19) by Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from textile effluent.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 1-8.
ISSN 0126-8643
Basyuni, Mohammad and Miharza, Try and Sinulingga, Evan Kharogi and Gultom, Epifani Natalia and Djayus, Yunasfi
The effect of paranet shade on the growth and morphological characteristics in six species of mangrove seedling.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 99-103.
ISSN 0126-8643
Budi, Sri Wilarso and Arty, Budi and Wasis, Basuki and Wibowo, Cahyo and Sukendro, Andi
Influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and soil ameliorants on the mycorrhizal colonization, chlorophyll content, and performance growth of two tropical tree seedlings grown in soil media with high aluminum content.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 41-53.
ISSN 0126-8643
Budiarso, Tri Yahya and Prihatmo, Guruh and Ratih Restiani, and Pakpahan, Suhendra
Isolation and identification of Klebsiella pneumoniae in street foods and drinks in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 117-122.
ISSN 0126-8643
Chin, Fhong Soon and Nafarizal Nayan, and Naznin Sultana, and Marlia Morsin, and Gim, Pao Lim and Nyuk, Ling Ma and Elfa Rizan Rizon, and Kian, Sek Tee
The effects of dimmer controlled atmospheric pressure plasma jet to the biophysical structures of HeLa cells.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 9-17.
ISSN 0126-8643
Erma Suryanti, and Wahyudi, Aris Tri and Akhdiya, Alina and Rusmana, Iman
Acyl homoserine lactone lactonase bacteria potential as biocontrol agent of soft rot infection.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 131-140.
ISSN 0126-8643
Fadzil Suhaimi Fadzillah Adibah, and Md Sarwar Jahan, and Hasan Nudin Nur Fatihah, and Nadiawati Alias, and Mohammad Moneruzzaman Khandaker,
Effects of betaine-rich Nano fertilizer on improving physiology of Zea mays var. saccharata and Arabidopsis thaliana under salt stress.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 57-62.
ISSN 0126-8643
Farah Farhanim Mohd Zin, and Najamuddin Abdul Basri, and Sujjat Al-Azad, and Saleem Mustafa, and Rossita Shapawi,
Growth performance and post-harvest quality of GIFT Tilapia reared in two different culture systems.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 183-192.
ISSN 0126-8643
Farazimah Yakop, and Malai Haniti Sheikh Abdul Hamid, and Norhayati Ahmad, and Mohamed Abdul Majid, and Manoharan Karuppiah Pillai, and Hussein Taha,
Phytochemical screening, antioxidant and antibacterial activities of extracts and fractions of Dillenia suffruticosa leaves.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 121-130.
ISSN 0126-8643
Faridah Yahya, and Tay, Wei Teng and Nor Hayati Ibrahim,
Effect of different solvents and temperatures of extraction on citral concentration and antioxidant properties of freeze-dried lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) powder’s extract.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 91-98.
ISSN 0126-8643
Fatimah Hashim, and Nur A’fiefah Mohd Zulkeffli, and Zafirah Najwa Zainal Abidin, and Muhamad Fairus Noor Hassim, and Ramesh Kumar Santhanam,
Commercial eye drops triggers necrotic effect in Acanthamoeba sp.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 85-90.
ISSN 0126-8643
Fatin Arina Mohd Zain, and Norshazila Shahidan, and Nurul Huda, and Zarinah Zakaria, and Septama, Abdi Wira
Antioxidant activity of bioactive peptide derived from Pekin duck feet gelatin hydrolysate.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 19-24.
ISSN 0126-8643
Fenny Martha Dwivany, Fenny Martha Dwivany and Patty, Kristi Lenci and Cindy Novianti,
Isolation and characterization of pisang tongkat langit (Musa troglodytarum L.) ACS1 and ACO1 gene expression during fruit ripening process.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 81-92.
ISSN 0126-8643
Fitri, Lulu Lusianti and Purawijaya, Dandri Aly and Suprijanto,
Effect of blue light exposure to brain wave physiology related to cognitive and motoric function during night driving simulation.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 69-74.
ISSN 0126-8643
G.A., Hermawan and D.N., Kuswatiningsih and J.T., Pangayoman and R., Widyastuti and A., Boediono
The pregnancy rate after intrauterine insemination using semen with different leucocytes concentration prepared by swim-up method.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 115-116.
ISSN 0126-8643
Geow, Chin Hong and Tan, Mei Ching and Chin, Nyuk Ling
Characterization of hazelnut oil extracted by ultrasound assisted solvent extraction.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 1-9.
ISSN 0126-8643
Hazlina Ahamad Zakeri, and Siti Zulaikha Razak, and Hanis Hazwani Hasmudin,
Antioxidative enzymes activity of Chlorella vulgaris (UMT-M1) in response to IC50 of Pb2+ and Hg2+.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 63-70.
ISSN 0126-8643
Husain H., and Huda-Faujan N.,
Quality evaluation of imitation chicken nuggets from grey oyster mushroom stems and chickpea flour.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 61-69.
ISSN 0126-8643
I., Kinasih and U., Julita and Y., Suryani and T., Cahyanto and E.M., Khoirunnisa and R.E., Putra
Comparing the effect of two coating methods of Tetragonula laeviceps propolis water extraction on physical quality and shelf life of eggs kept in room temperature.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 75-79.
ISSN 0126-8643
Ikhsan, Fajri and Enny Ratnaningsih,
Cloning, sequencing, and identification of rhd ?-subunit gene of haloaromatic dehalogenase terminal oxygenase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa local strain.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 43-48.
ISSN 0126-8643
Ilyanie H.Y., and Huda-Faujan N., and Ida Muryany M.Y.,
Comparative proximate composition of Malaysian fermented shrimp products.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 139-144.
ISSN 0126-8643
Irwanto, Rina R. and Herian Stiyani,
The potential of Garcinia dulcis (ROXB.) Kurz. as a source of hydroxycitric acid and its habitat conditions.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 111-114.
ISSN 0126-8643
Isnidayu, Anandya Vanessa and Sukartiko, Anggoro Cahyo and Ainuri, Makhmudun
Consumer perception on sensory attributes of selected local Indonesian coffee.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 53-59.
ISSN 0126-8643
Izzah A.H., and Nurdiyana B., and Wan Asrina W.Y., and Norziana Z.Z.,
A comparision for nutrient level in soil and plant between cut and carry and grazing pasture systems.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 115-120.
ISSN 0126-8643
Jahan, Nusrat and Salam, Mohammad Abdus and Ahsan, Ali and Rahman, Mohammad Lutfar and Paul, Sulav Indra and Simon Kumar Das, and Mazumder, Sabuj Kanti
Domestication technique of commercially important freshwater mud eel, Monopterus cuchia (Hamilton, 1822).
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 95-104.
ISSN 0126-8643
Jasdeep Kaur Darsan Singh, and Nurzatil Sharleeza Mat Jalaluddin, and Mishra, Neeti Sanan and Jennifer Ann Harikrishna,
Challenges to the adoption of modern crop biotechnology: insights from Indian and Malaysian GM regulatory frameworks.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 1-9.
ISSN 0126-8643
Jessreen Tega, and Nor ‘Awatif Che Soh, and Siti Nurul Amira Noor Azman, and Cha, Thye San and Malinna Jusoh,
Comparison of seven housekeeping genes expression in microalgae (Chlorella vulgaris) grown under nitrogen limited condition.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 133-139.
ISSN 0126-8643
Jun, Meng Chai and Shaliny Hari Rama Krishnan, and Tan, Vincent Yee Hang and Hanis Athirah Mohd Hamdan, and Nurul Nadhirah Ruzelan, and Sevakumaran Vigneswari,
Effects of various carbon precursors combination in regulating the molar fraction of P(3HB-co-4HB) using locally isolated Cupriavidus sp. TMT11.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 79-84.
ISSN 0126-8643
Kardena, Edwan and A.N.K., Pratama and S.H., Suhardi and K., Hasan and A.J., Effendi
Decolorisation of batik waste water by Marasmiellus palmivorus using modified fixed bed reactor.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 55-61.
ISSN 0126-8643
Kek, Chian Koay and Ahmad Mukhlis Abdul Rahman, and Johan Ariff Mohtar, and Nurul Ain Harmiza Abdullah,
DNA barcoding of common Malaysian spiders using the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 71-80.
ISSN 0126-8643
Khairil Mahmud, and Khairulakwa H., and Nur Fatihah H.N., and Nornasuha Y., and Khandaker M.M., and Mohd Izuan Effendi Halmi, and Noor-Amalina R., and Wan Juliana Wan Ahmad,
The association of tree species diversity and abundance with the soil edaphic factor in a largest tropical recreational forest of Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 159-171.
ISSN 0126-8643
Khalida Khalil, and Syarul Nataqain Baharum, and Shazrul Fazry, and Nik Marzuki Sidik, and Fareed Sairi,
Non-enzymatic antioxidant from apple snail (Pomacea maculata) extract.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 115-124.
ISSN 0126-8643
Khalilan Lambangsari, and Moeis, Maelita Ramdani and Elvi Restiawaty,
Cloning and in silico studies of lipase gene of a thermophilic bacteria isolated from the hydrothermal vent area of Kawio, North Sulawesi.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 13-17.
ISSN 0126-8643
Kumoro, Andri Cahyo and Ratnawati Ratnawati, and Diah Susetyo Retnowati, and Catarina Sri Budiyati,
Microbial detoxification of gadung (Dioscorea hispida Dennst) chips: Effect of microbes loading and time.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 105-110.
ISSN 0126-8643
Lee, Chuen Ng and Zahari Nura Adila, and Elham Mohd Shahrul Hafiz, and Ahmad Aziz, and Mohd Razi Ismail,
Foliar sprayed-silicon to induce defense-related enzymatic activity against Pyricularia oryzae infection in aerobic rice.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 213-221.
ISSN 0126-8643
Logeiswariy Perumal, and Nor ‘Awatif Che Soh, and Hannah Syahirah Rapi, and Suvik Assaw, and Mohammad Ameerul Amin Bakar @ Omar, and Izwandy Idris, and Wan Iryani Wan Ismail,
Aqueous extract emulsifying ointment of Marphysa moribidii (Annelida: Polychaeta) increases collagen deposition in wound healing model at low concentration.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 223-231.
ISSN 0126-8643
Luu, The Trung and La, Anh Duong and Tran, Van Tien and Le, Ngoc Trieu and Phi, Hong Hai
Genetic diversity of naturally distributed Rhododendron moulmainense Hook. f. populations in Lam Vien Plateau, Vietnam revealed by ISSR and SCoT markers.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 41-52.
ISSN 0126-8643
M.F., Irsan and E., Sulistyawati and A., Hadiyane and N., Hidayati
Transpiration capability of several lowland forest tree species.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 63-67.
ISSN 0126-8643
Mamangkey, Jendri and Suryanto, Dwi and Munir, Erman and Mustopa, Apon Zaenal
Promoting keratinase activity from newly identified strain Strenotrophomonas maltophilia B6 through optimization and characterization.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 75-86.
ISSN 0126-8643
Masturi, and Alighiri, Dante and Widya Nurul Jannah, and Maulana, Riful Mazid and Amri, Ulul and Susilawati, and Sunarno,
Mango (Mangifera indica L.) leaves waste/polyvinyl acetate biocomposite for building materials application.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 49-53.
ISSN 0126-8643
Melisa Elsie Kasimin, and Ainol Azifa Mohd. Faik, and Jaeyres Jani, and Sahar Abbasiliasi, and Arbakariya Ariff, and Roslina Jawan,
Probiotic properties of antimicrobial-producing lactic acid bacteria isolated from dairy products and raw milk of Sabah (Northern Borneo), Malaysia.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 95-106.
ISSN 0126-8643
Muhammad Asyraf Abd Latip, and Siti Aisyah Alias, and Smykla, Jerzy and Faridah Yusof, and Mohd Azrul Naim Mohamad, and Noor Faizul Hadry Nordin,
Discovery of cold-active protease from psychrophilic bacteria isolated from Antarctic region for bio-prospecting.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 55-60.
ISSN 0126-8643
Muhammad Faiz Zakaria, and Noorazilah Haris, and Mohd Effendy Abd Wahid, and Katayama, Tomoyo and Malinna Jusoh,
Isolation and Nile Red screening of indigenous microalgae species from Pahang lakes as potential lipid source in aquaculture feed.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 149-156.
ISSN 0126-8643
Muhammad Faiz Zulkifli, and Suhana Samat, and Nurul Shahirah Mohd Azam, and Francis Kanyan Enchang, and Abdullah Abd Razak, and Fuzina Nor Hussein, and Wan Iryani Wan Ismail,
Effects of pure and fake honey on glucose and lipid profile in vitro and in vivo study.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 207-211.
ISSN 0126-8643
Mukai, Yukinori and Syafiqah Hanani Mohd Shahidin, and Normawaty Mohmaad Noor,
Optimum salinity level for the cultivation of ciliated protozoa.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 23-29.
ISSN 0126-8643
Nadhirah Syafiqah Suhaimi, and Nurul Rabitah Daud, and Mohd Fadzil Akhir, and Mohd Uzair Rusli,
Oceanic dispersal model of green turtle hatchlings in the South China Sea.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 41-55.
ISSN 0126-8643
Nanda, Galo Ayu Megga and Hertadi, Rukman
Effect of calcium ions to the activity and stability of extracellular lipase produced by moderate halophilic bacteria Halomonas meridiana BK-AB4.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 27-35.
ISSN 0126-8643
Ngan, Ha Ho Thi and Thanh, Qui Tran and Nguyen, Tri Tin and Nguyen, Thanh Thu and Nguyen, Trong Son and Huyen, Trang Duong Ti and Nguyen, Minh Thuy
Effect of calcium chloride treatment by vacuum infiltration method on texture and shelf life of black cherry tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum cv. OG).
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 11-21.
ISSN 0126-8643
Ngo, Van Tai and Nguyen, Van Thanh
Identification and characterization of yeast isolates from maprang (Bouea macrophylla Griffith) growing in Vietnam.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 23-30.
ISSN 0126-8643
Nguyen, Duy Tan and Vo, Thi Xuan Tuyen
Investigation of toxicity, antimicrobial activity and cough treatment of products produced from Pouzolzia zeylanica plants growing in Vietnam.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 43-51.
ISSN 0126-8643
Nguyen, Ngoc Giang Thi and Nguyen, Minh Thuy
Effects of drying methods on the characteristics of Pleurotus sajor-caju mushroom.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 31-36.
ISSN 0126-8643
Noor Afiza Badaluddin, and Seet, Yong Yin and Roslan Umar, and Nor Hazmin Sabri, and Nurul Syafiqah Hasshim, and Mohammad Khairuddin Ali, and A. Rashad Mohamed,
Isolation and characterization of high ambient electromagnetic radiation (EMR) bacteria.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 165-172.
ISSN 0126-8643
Noor Hafizoh Saidan, and Norsyahira Roslan, and Nur Rahiiqin Maktuum Baharuddin, and Mohd Shahrul Ridzuan Hamil, and Kumara Thevan Krishnan,
Compliance of selected stingless bee honey in Kelantan according to Malaysian Standard (MS) 2683:2017.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 187-192.
ISSN 0126-8643
Noor Illi Mohamad Puad, and Nur Alia M. Fathil, and Azura Amid, and Azlin Suhaida Azmi,
Effects of carbon sources, plant growth regulators and inoculum size on Citrus suhuiensis cell suspension culture growth.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 87-93.
ISSN 0126-8643
Nor Omaima Harun, and Nik Nur Shahiera Che Abdullah, and Mhd Ikhwanuddin Abdullah,
Pea crab distribution and its morphological characteristics studied in bivalves from Setiu Wetlands, Terengganu.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 99-106.
ISSN 0126-8643
Norhayati Yusuf, and Nurul Aliaa Idris, and Zalifah Katman,
The growth responses of orchid, Phalaenopsis hybrid to the inoculation of Rhizoctonia solani.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 33-40.
ISSN 0126-8643
Norlida Mat Daud, and Siti Fatimah Mohd Tarmizi, and Hafeedza Abdul Rahman,
Malaysian ready-to-eat cooked dishes: consumption patterns among adults and nutrient composition of selected highly consumed dishes.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 61-70.
ISSN 0126-8643
Nur Afifah Muhamad Asri, and Asma’ Ali, and Siti Nur ‘Afifah Jaafar, and Abbe Maleyki Mhd Jalil, and Khairil Shazmin Kamarudin,
Pedometer-measured walking steps and levels of physical activity: a study in Kuala Nerus, Terengganu.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 157-164.
ISSN 0126-8643
Nur Amalin Ab Aziz Al Safi, and Faridah Yusof,
Immobilization of CLEA-lipase of Hevea brasiliensis onto magnetic nanoparticles for enhanced biocatalytic performance.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 141-152.
ISSN 0126-8643
Nur Farah Hani M., and Huda-Faujan N., and Hafiza Y., and Faridah H., and Arifin N.,
Optimisation of mixed drink made from red cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) and roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) extracts.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 129-138.
ISSN 0126-8643
Nur Syafika Amani Abd. Mutalib, and Norhayati Yusuf, and Asnuzilawati Asari, and Ahmad Nazif Aziz, and Nurul Huda Abdul Wahab,
Qualitative and quantitative of phytochemical analysis of Malaysian Euphorbia milii (Euphorbiaceae) and its antioxidant activities.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 233-239.
ISSN 0126-8643
Nur Syakirah Mahamad Aziz, and Johnson Stanslas, and Nurul Huda Abd Kadir,
Hydrogen peroxide promotes human skin fibroblast cells migration and proliferation at lower dose via VEGF-alpha AND TGF-alpha gene expression.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 261-266.
ISSN 0126-8643
Nuraqilah Yusra Raheman, and Raihan Mohd Nordin, and Maizah Abdullah, and Muhamad Fairus Noor Hassim,
Association between root complexity of Rhizophora apiculata and sedimentation at Pantai Kelanang, Selangor.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 141-148.
ISSN 0126-8643
Nurfatin Syahirah Mohamed Ali, and ‘Atiqah Ruqayyah Zabidi, and Mohd Nazmi Abd Manap, and Shikh Mohd Shahrul Nizan Shikh Zahari, and Nazariyah Yahaya,
Identification of metabolite profile in halal and non-halal broiler chickens using Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography- Time Of Flight- Mass Spectrometry (UHPLC-TOF-MS).
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 87-93.
ISSN 0126-8643
Nurul Athirah Omar, and Siti Nordahliawate Mohamed Sidique, and Fauziah Tufail Ahmad,
Antifungal properties of water extract propolis coating against anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) on strawberry (Fragaria anannassa).
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 253-260.
ISSN 0126-8643
Nurul Faziha Ibrahim, and NurFazleen Syuhada Rostam, and Nor Amira Izati Nor Azman, and Shamsul Bahri Abdul Razak,
Effects of kaffir lime peel extract and ginger extract on the postharvest quality of tomato.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 247-251.
ISSN 0126-8643
Nurul Faziha Ibrahim, and Wong, Kah Yin and Nur Hadina Saleh, and Fauziah Tufail Ahmad, and Suhaizan Lob,
Antifungal activity of extracts against Colletotrichum species in harvested chili.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 241-246.
ISSN 0126-8643
Nurul Huda Abdul Wahab, and Hoy, Zhen Hao and Suzana Misbah,
Evaluation of phytochemical and antibacterial properties of white mulberry (Morus alba).
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 107-112.
ISSN 0126-8643
Pui, Khoon Hong and Sharmilaa Sevan, and Nur Liyana Mohd Izan,
Functional edible coatings for dried guava (Psidium guajava L.) slices.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 37-42.
ISSN 0126-8643
Razifah Mohd Razali, and Nurul Huda Abdul Kadir, and Maziah Mohd Ghazaly, and Keisheni Ganeson, and Raseetha Vani Siva Manikam, and Nurfarhah Hasanah Jamaludin,
Toxicity determination of cinnamon oil-infused Aloe vera edible coating matrix on normal human lung fibroblast MRC-5 cells.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 267-271.
ISSN 0126-8643
Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti, and Nadya Farah, and Faiz, Muhammad Fakhri and Muthia Gassani Verdianti, and Sunardi, and Safitri, Ramadhani
The effect of synthetic fungicide on disease severity and plant growth of chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) infected with Phytophthora capsici.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 7-12.
ISSN 0126-8643
Sahibu A., and Siti Nordahliawate M.S.S., and Abdullah M.M.,
Presence of foliar diseases caused by fungi in mangroves on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 181-186.
ISSN 0126-8643
Sari Asfarina Sariat, and Ching, Fui Fui and Senoo, Shigeharu
Growth performance and gonad maturation of Amur catfish, Silurus asotus in captivity.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 71-79.
ISSN 0126-8643
Shahril Ab Razak, and Muhammad Afiq Tajol Ariffin, and Sharifah Munirah Syd Mohamad, and Nor Helwa Ezzah Nor Azman, and Mohd Azhar Hassan, and Johari Sarip,
Microsatellite markers for the molecular characterisation of potentially commercial mango (Mangifera indica) progenies.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 81-85.
ISSN 0126-8643
Sharifah Shakilah Abdullah, and Raja Muhammad Zuha Raja Kamal Bashah,
Cephalopharyngeal skeletons of Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius, 1794) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) third instar larvae displayed resistance to hot-water killing method – implications in forensic entomology practice.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 125-131.
ISSN 0126-8643
Sim, Edmund Ui-Hang and Selvamalar Mutsamy, and Teh, Zy-Ying
Expression patterns of the human ribosomal protein genes eL14 and uS19 in colon cancer is dependent on the type and stage of the cancer cell.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 31-39.
ISSN 0126-8643
Siti Athirah Mohamad Jamali, and Noor Afiza Badaluddin, and Syarul Nataqain Baharum, and Jamilah Mohd Salim, and Aziz Ahmad, and Mariam Taib,
Trichoderma atroviride isolated from mangroves of the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia exhibited high tolerance against heavy metal cadmium.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 113-120.
ISSN 0126-8643
Siti Fairus Abdul Rahman, and Nethia Mohana-Kumaran,
Parsing the contributions of the BCL-2 anti-apoptotic proteins in mediating survival of nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell line HK1 using BCL-2 selective inhibitors.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 193-197.
ISSN 0126-8643
Siti Hajar Ariffin, and Gkatzionis, Konstantinos and Bakalis, Serafim
Effect of compression on mechanical properties of ready-to-eat (RTE) spinach varieties.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 107-115.
ISSN 0126-8643
Siti Maisarah Zakaria, and Che Nurul Aini Che Amri, and Noraini Talip, and Abdul Latiff, and Amirul Aiman Ahmad Juhari, and Rozilawati Shahari, and Nur Shuhada Tajudin, and Mohamad Ruzi Abdul Rahman,
The variation of cystoliths and its taxonomic significance in Acanthaceae of Peninsular Malaysia.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 25-31.
ISSN 0126-8643
Siti Muyasaroh, and Muntalif, Barti Setiani
Determination of surface water quality based on macrozoobenthos biodiversity and the prevalence of trematodes cercariae in freshwater molluscs.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 19-25.
ISSN 0126-8643
Siti Radhiah Omar, and Syafiqah Abdul Razak, and Nur Zazarina Ramly,
Texture analysis of starfruit (Averrhoa carambola) chips pre-treated with glucose syrup and osmotic dehydration.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 123-127.
ISSN 0126-8643
Siti Tafzimeriam Sheikh Abdul Kadir, and Noratikah Ab. Manaf, and Ahmad Nazila Ali, and Nur Fatiha Che Wail, and Joseph Anak Bidai, and Hazrul Ahmad, and Che Mohd Kamarul Anuar Che Abdullah, and Mohd Nasir Mohamad, and Muhammad Fahmi Ahmad, and Amirrudin Ahmad, and Zainudin Bachok, and Motomura, Hiroyuki and Mohd Lokman Husain, and Mohd Azmi Ambak, and Mazlan Abd Ghaffar,
Physical-chemical parameters in relation to fish assemblages in the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 193-199.
ISSN 0126-8643
Siti Umey Syahirah Mat Nawang, and Ching, Fui Fui and Senoo, Shigeharu
Biological development and growth of Amur catfish, Silurus asotus reared under controlled tropical condition.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 11-23.
ISSN 0126-8643
Syamsyahidah Samsol, and Mohd Effendy Abd Wahid, and Tsung, Hsien Li and Mohd Uzair Rusli,
Hematology, blood gases and biochemistry profiles of wild-nesting sea turtles in Terengganu, Malaysia.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 25-31.
ISSN 0126-8643
Syathirah Hanim A.H., and Ruhaya H., and Norkhafizah S., and Marina A.M.,
Relationship between prop (6-n-propylthiouracil) taster status and preference for different taste food groups among university students.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 53-59.
ISSN 0126-8643
Tan, Kean Meng and Mohd Asyraf Kassim,
Growth, carbohydrate productivity and growth kinetic study of Halochlorella rubescens cultivated under CO2-rich conditions.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 1-11.
ISSN 0126-8643
Tjandra Anggraeni, and Masriany, and M. Dwivany, Fenny and Rizkita R. Esyanti,
Possibility of sap-feeding beetle, nitidulidae, as a spreading agent for blood disease bacterium on the banana plant.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 1-5.
ISSN 0126-8643
Wan Ahmad Wan-Nadilah, and Dailami Abdul Ghani, and Muhammad Syafiq Abd Jalil, and Abdul Manaf Ali, and Wan Nur Amalina Wan Mamat, and Nor Hasima Mahmod,
Effects of drying methods and solvents on phenolic and flavonoids content, DPPH radical scavenging and alpha-glucosidase activities of Aquilaria leaves extract.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 201-205.
ISSN 0126-8643
Wong, Jing Hao and Iffah Hazirah Mohd Nawi, and Nor Idzwana Mohd Idris,
Effect of hot water treatment with calcium dips on postharvest quality of tomato.
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 71-77.
ISSN 0126-8643
Wong, Lok Jinn and Alek, Andrew Tuen
Food preference and the effect of predator cues on the foraging behaviour of House Rat (Rattus tanezumi).
Malaysian Applied Biology, 49
pp. 33-40.
ISSN 0126-8643
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