Number of items: 58.
Ahmad, Abas Kutty, and Suhaimi, Hani Nazirah,
Potential use of freshwater insect larvae in river biological monitoring: a systematic review.
Serangga, 29
pp. 74-87.
ISSN 1394-5130
Alexander B. Ruchin,
Impact of fires on the hymenopteran fauna in the center of European Russia forest ecosystems.
Serangga, 29
pp. 40-57.
ISSN 1394-5130
Amanina Abu Bakar, and Izfa Riza Hazmi,
Perihalan lengkap morfologi luaran Cosmodela aurulenta (Fabricius, 1801) berserta perihalan genitalia jantan dan betinanya.
Serangga, 29
pp. 193-202.
ISSN 1394-5130
Anang Triwiratno, and Susi Wuryantini, and Agus Sugiyatno, and Sudarminto Setyo Yuwono, and Faiqotul Jannah, and Arrohmatus Syafaqoh Li’aini, and Joko Purnomo, and Cinta Badia Ginting,
Biology of red scale insect, Aonidiella aurantii and its BIOLOGICAL control using Beauveria bassiana AND Metarhizium anisopliae.
Serangga, 29
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 1394-5130
Azlina Zakaria, and Meor Badli Shah Ahmad Rafie, and Mohamad Haris Hussain, and Johari Jalinas, and Idris Ab Ghani,
Effectiveness of several insecticides on red palm weevil, rhynchophorus ferrugineus on coconut palm.
Serangga, 29
pp. 189-199.
ISSN 1394-5130
Azman Sulaiman,
Perihalan semula dan penukaran genus Terpnosia promiscua distant daripada Pomponia promiscua dari Sumatra Indonesia, serta pemerihalan spesies baru, Terpnosia pelabuhanratuensis sp. nov. dari Pulau Jawa.
Serangga, 29
pp. 145-149.
ISSN 1394-5130
Azman Sulaiman,
A revision of the genus puranoides moulton and description of
two new species from Malaysia.
Serangga, 29
pp. 108-109.
ISSN 1394-5130
Chai Wen Lin, and Anis Syahirah Mohktar, and Wan Mohd Hafezul Wan Abdul Ghani,
Population assemblages of a termite species, Macrotermes gilvus hagen (Blattodea: Termitidae) at different land uses.
Serangga, 29
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 1394-5130
Elsa May Delima-Baron, and Marian Dara T. Tagoon, and Lyre Anni E. Murao,
Ectoparasites of avian species visiting selected fruit orchards of Davao City, Mindanao Island, Philippines.
Serangga, 29
pp. 176-192.
ISSN 1394-5130
Erica Medina Abdullah, and Siti Nurlydia Sazali, and Wan Nurainie Wan Ismail,
Ambrosia beetle’s (COLEOPTERA: CURCULIONIDAE) occurrence and diversity in forest plantations in western Sarawak, Malaysia.
Serangga, 29
pp. 26-39.
ISSN 1394-5130
Gunggot, Evahtira and T. Lardizabal, Maria Lourdes
Assessing the efficiency of the black soldier fly
(Hermetia illucens L.) larvae as bioconversion agent for ground banana peels.
Serangga, 29
pp. 150-159.
ISSN 1394-5130
Hemavashini Krebanatham, and Reena Abd. Rashid, and Raja M. Zuha,
Perkembangan dan ciri-ciri utama intrapuparia Spiniphora genitalis Schmitz, 1940 (Diptera: Phoridae) pada suhu bilik.
Serangga, 29
pp. 116-129.
ISSN 1394-5130
Ichsan Luqmana Indra Putra, and Ika Tensi Dyati, and Wida Afrindini,
Alternate host plants for Spodoptera frugiperda (LEPIDOPTERA: NOCTUIDAE) in Gunungkidul and Sleman regencies,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Serangga, 29
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 1394-5130
Irham Razak, and Dzulhelmi Muhammad Nasir, and Macdey Jengkeng, and Aliff Ariff, and Danial Dean, and Mohamad Aqmal-Naser, and Amirrudin Ahmad,
Checklist of arachnids in the highlands area of Gunung Ledang National Park, Johor, Malaysia.
Serangga, 29
pp. 63-78.
ISSN 1394-5130
Kalaavathi Manoharani, and Siti Nasuha Hamzah, and Nurulhusna Abdul Hamid,
Susceptibility of the poultry strain Musca domestica LINNAEUS
(DIPTERA: muscidae) larvae toward pyrethroids and
organophosphate insecticides.
Serangga, 29
pp. 130-141.
ISSN 1394-5130
Khairun Nisa Kamarudin, and Mohammad Aizad Mohamad Sulaimin, and Maulana Insanul Kamil, and Irwin Mirza Umami,
Effects of slope position and sampling time on soil fauna diversity indices under coconut cultivation planted in a low slope gradient area: a short-term study.
Serangga, 29
pp. 26-39.
ISSN 1394-5130
Khairun Nisa Kamarudin, and Mohammad Aizad Mohamad Sulaimin, and Maulana Insanul Kamil, and Irwin Mirza Umami,
Erratum: spatial and temporal variability of soil fauna under coconut cultivation on lateritic soil.
Serangga, 29
pp. 281-282.
ISSN 1394-5130
Khairun Nisa Kamarudin, and Mohammad Aizad Mohamad Sulaimin, and Maulana Insanul Kamil, and Irwin Mirza Umami,
Spatial and temporal variability of soil fauna under coconut cultivation on lateritic soil.
Serangga, 29
pp. 156-172.
ISSN 1394-5130
Md. Altaf Hossain, and Md. Ahsanul Haque, and Md. Mahbubur Rahman,
Foliar application of commercially available micro and macronutrients for the management of flower thrips and pod borers of mung bean.
Serangga, 29
pp. 44-58.
ISSN 1394-5130
Meor Badli Shah Ahmad Rafie, and Samsudin Amit,
Corrigendum: susceptibility of Oryctes rhinoceros beetle to trunk-injected acephate and trunk-implanted acephate controlled-release insecticide on tall palms via petiole bioassay.
Serangga, 29
pp. 283-284.
ISSN 1394-5130
Meor Badli Shah Ahmad Rafie, and Samsudin Amit,
Susceptibility of oryctes rhinoceros beetle to trunk-injected acephate and trunk-implanted acephate controlled-release insecticide on tall palms via petiole bioassay.
Serangga, 29
pp. 200-209.
ISSN 1394-5130
Mohamad Harris Nasir, and Muhammad Hafiz Aiman, and Wollis, Lester and Mohanaraj Sithampalanadanarajah, and Mathews, Joshua
Mass rearing of platynopus melachantus BOISDUVAL (HEMIPTERA: PENTATOMIDAE).
Serangga, 29
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 1394-5130
Mohamad Suheri, and Ruly Anwar, and Noor Farikhah Haneda, and Hwa Jung, Yoon and Shinichi Sukeno,
Management control of the red coffee BORER, Zeuzera spp. (LEPIDOPTERA: COSSIDAE) ON Eucalyptus pellita F. MUELL. USING ENTOMOPHATOGENIC FUNGI.
Serangga, 29
pp. 15-28.
ISSN 1394-5130
Mohd Faizal Sedie, and Mohamad Rosman Sulaiman, and Muhammad Azmi Mohammed, and Siti Nurulhidayah Ahmad Mohamed, and Mazmira Mohd Masri, and Saharul Abillah Mohamad, and King Jie Hung,
Observation and trapping of insects visiting male and female inflorescences of oil palm.
Serangga, 29
pp. 50-62.
ISSN 1394-5130
Mohd Farihan Md Yatim, and Faizul Akmal Abdul Rahim, and Mohd Amierul Fikri Mahmud, and As'malia Md Lasim, and Aishah Hani Azil,
Assessment of ammonium-based solutions (ABS) AS Aedes aegypti OVIPOSITION ATTRACTANT.
Serangga, 29
pp. 70-79.
ISSN 1394-5130
Mohd. Allif Najmi Musa, and Mohd Aiman Hakim Ahmad Sabri, and Madinah Adrus,
Forensically important flies (INSECTA: DIPTERA) involved in the decomposition of rabbit carcasses at a coastal area in Sarawak, Malaysia.
Serangga, 29
pp. 110-127.
ISSN 1394-5130
Muhamad Haziq Hadif Zulkefli, and Nur Azura Adam, and Sumaiyah Abdullah, and Syari Jamian, and Mohamed Mazmira Mohd Masri, and Ramle Moslim, and Saharul Abillah Mohamad,
Population density of elaeidobius kamerunicus faust and abiotic factors effect within anthesising inflorescences of Malaysian oil palm.
Serangga, 29
pp. 79-95.
ISSN 1394-5130
Muhammad Adam-Ibrahim, and Amirrudin B. Ahmad,
Species richness and composition of odonata in four swamp forests of Terengganu, peninsular Malaysia.
Serangga, 29
pp. 128-149.
ISSN 1394-5130
Muhammad Adam-Ibrahim, and Amirrudin B. Ahmad,
Species richness and composition of odonata in four swamp forests of Terengganu, peninsular Malaysia.
Serangga, 29
pp. 110-127.
ISSN 1394-5130
Muhammad Ramzan, and Mahreen Hanif, and Muqaddas Younas, and Syed Muhammad Farhan Bukhari, and Norasmah Basari,
Effective treatment of the leaf eating caterpillar, Trilocha varians (LEPIDOPTERA: BOMBYCIDAE) with beauveria bassiana in combination with an insecticide under laboratory conditions.
Serangga, 29
pp. 173-182.
ISSN 1394-5130
Najihah Abdul Halim, and Raja Hasya Ilyana Raja Ahmad, and Azlina Zakaria, and Meor Badli Shah Ahmad Rafie, and Muhammad Nurul Yaqin Syarif, and Nur Ain Farhah Ros Saidon Khudri, and Nurul Wahida Othman, and Wahizatul Afzan Azmi,
Kepatogenan kulat entomopatogen asli, Beauveria bassiana (Bals.-Criv.) Vuill. ke atas kumbang merah PALMA, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus olivier dewasa.
Serangga, 29
pp. 130-144.
ISSN 1394-5130
Navanithakumar Ballakrishnan, and Hadura Abu Hasan, and Hamdan Ahmad, and Hasber Salim,
Abundant of flies (DIPTERA) in closed and opened house
commercial chicken and duck farms in Kinta district, Perak, Malaysia.
Serangga, 29
pp. 15-29.
ISSN 1394-5130
Ng Yong Foo, and Ahmad Kamil Bukhari Nor Aslan, and Muhammad Afiq Senen,
Aktiviti diurnal trip (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) pada pokok cili.
Serangga, 29
pp. 243-252.
ISSN 1394-5130
Noorhazwani Kamarudin, and Siti Nurulhidayah Ahmad, and Mohd Najib Ahmad, and Nur Robaatul Adhawiyah Mohd Ali Napiah, and Shamsilawani Ahamed Bakeri, and Mohamad Rosman Sulaiman, and Mohamed Mazmira Mohd Masri, and Mohd Fahmi Keni,
Quad trap: an alternative approach to increase trapping efficiency of the male bagworm, Metisa Plana Walker.
Serangga, 29
pp. 177-188.
ISSN 1394-5130
Nor Aliza Abdul Rahim, and Marlini Othman, and Madinah Adrus, and Zainab Ngaini,
Diversity and succession pattern of forensically important dipteran species associated with organophosphate pesticides-intoxicated rat carcasses in Sarawak, Malaysia.
Serangga, 29
pp. 119-137.
ISSN 1394-5130
Norfatihah Aisyah Abd Rahim, and Amira Aqilah Muhammad, and Nurul Ashikin Abdullah,
An insight into the distribution of pygmy grasshoppers (ORTHOPTERA: TETRIGIDAE) in the Klang Valley, Malaysia.
Serangga, 29
pp. 96-109.
ISSN 1394-5130
Nur Hanani Zolkifli, and Suhaila Ab Hamid,
Efefct of Diaspididae (Hemiptera) pest on chlorophyll content and plant health in vanilla.
Serangga, 29
pp. 105-114.
ISSN 1394-5130
Nur Hasyimah Ramli, and Salmah Yaakop, and Hakan Bozdoğan,
The effect of elevated co2 on life cycle of Tenebrio molitor L. (COLEOPTERA: TENEBRIONIDAE).
Serangga, 29
pp. 80-94.
ISSN 1394-5130
Nurhajijah, and Widihastuty, and Wahyuni Umami Harahap, and Wizni Fadhillah, and Imam Hartono Bangun, and Sasmita Siregar,
EXtract of oil palm empty fruit bunches waste as an potential insecticide for controlling Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. SMITH.
Serangga, 29
pp. 108-118.
ISSN 1394-5130
Nurul Farah ‘Aina Anuar, and Nurul Huda Abdul,
Exploring the repellent and insecticidal effects of black
Pepper (Piper nigrum L.) against sawtoothed grain beetle (Oryzaephilus surinamensis L.).
Serangga, 29
pp. 59-72.
ISSN 1394-5130
Nurul Wahida Othman, and Siti Rafeeah Mohamad Zainuddin, and Azman Sulaiman,
Pencirian membran dan otot timbal bagi spesies riang-riang terpilih dari Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia.
Serangga, 29
pp. 203-225.
ISSN 1394-5130
Purnama Hidayat, and Siti Rahmah, and Yuni Apriliana, and Nina Maryana, and Alan Soffan, and Sri Hendrastuti Hidayat,
Feeding behavior of banana and taro aphids (Pentalonia spp.) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on musaceae and araceae plants: an electrical penetration graph (dc-epg) study.
Serangga, 29
pp. 253-266.
ISSN 1394-5130
Refda Maulana Trisuji, and Tri Atmowidi, and Windra Priawandiputra, and Yuni Cahya Endrawati,
Evaluation of growth and silk quality produced by Samia cynthia ricini (LEPIDOPTERA: SATURNIIDAE) fed different leaves.
Serangga, 29
pp. 95-107.
ISSN 1394-5130
Roziah Ghazi, and Wahizatul Afzan Azmi, and Fahimee Jaapar, and Norhayati Ngah,
Palynology of the stingless bees, heterotrigona itama (hymenoptera: apidae) in the coastal forest of Terengganu.
Serangga, 29
pp. 58-73.
ISSN 1394-5130
Rusli Rustam, and Rizke Skar Nolla Utari, and Mukhlis Ibrahim,
Effect of several tuba leaves (Derris elliptica (Wallich) Benth.) Extract concentrations on mortality of rice brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal).
Serangga, 29
pp. 73-84.
ISSN 1394-5130
Salmah Mohamed, and Nor Aminah Azizol Azeli, and Nur Syahida Wajdah Saidi, and Norhayati Ngah, and Nur Athiqah Md Yusof, and Nur Azura Adam,
Assessing a laboratory test on food preferences of the melon
FRUIT FLY, Bactrocera cucurbitae (D DIPTERA: TEPHRITIDAE).
Serangga, 29
pp. 13-25.
ISSN 1394-5130
Sat Rahayuwati, and Yayi Munara Kusuma,
Comparative study of sawdust media and fermented mixture of
Sawdust-cow dung for rearing Oryctes rhinoceros
Serangga, 29
pp. 142-155.
ISSN 1394-5130
Sayono, Sayono and Risyandi Anwar, and Othman Wan Norafikah,
Susceptibility of the dengue vector, Aedes aegypti on the larvicidal and repellent activity of rhizome plant extracts.
Serangga, 29
pp. 49-69.
ISSN 1394-5130
Siew, Fui Wong and Yee, Ling Chong and Kuok, Freddy San Yeo
Diversity of mosquito species (Diptera: Culicidae) in the residential area and rice field of Kampung Rembus,
Samarahan division, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Serangga, 29
pp. 267-280.
ISSN 1394-5130
Siti Asma, and Samsudin, and Mohamad Syukri Tan Shilan, and Nur Azura Adam, and Norida Mazlan, and Puteri Edaroyati Megat Wahab, and Wan Nur Asiah Wan Mohd Adnan, and M,
Toxicity study of insecticide formulations on stingless Bee Heterotrigona itama (COCKERELL) (APIDAE: MELIPONINI).
Serangga, 29
pp. 156-169.
ISSN 1394-5130
Siti Asma’ Samsudin, and Syari Jamian, and Nur Azura Adam, and Norida Mazlan, and Putri Edaroyati Megat Wahab, and Mohd Syukri Tan Shilan, and Wan Nur Asiah Wan Mohd Adnan,
The foraging behavior of Heterotrigona itama (Cockerell) (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini) in close system rock melon (Cucubitales: Cucurbitaceace) cultivation.
Serangga, 29
pp. 30-43.
ISSN 1394-5130
Siti Noor Aishikin Abdul Hamid, and Razean Haireen Mohd Razali, and Johari Jalinas,
Kesan berat pupa terhadap pembiakan rama-rama dan kemunculan larva generasi seterusnya dalam Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Serangga, 29
pp. 226-242.
ISSN 1394-5130
Siti Nurulhidayah Ahmad, and Noorhazwani Kamarudin, and Saharul Abillah Mohamad, and Mohamad Rosman Sulaiman, and Muhammad Nurul Yaqin Syarif, and Mohamed Mazmira Mohd Masri, and Norhayu Asib,
Effects of neem oil, Azadirachta indica A. juss on growth and survival of bagworm, Metisa plana (LEPIDOPTERA: PSYCHIDAE) LARVAE.
Serangga, 29
pp. 13-25.
ISSN 1394-5130
Siti Zulaikha Afifi, and Nurul Atiqah Mohd Yasin, and Nur Solehah Othman, and Hui Ting Tan, and Nurul Izzah Azuan, and Muhamad Azrul Shaiful Lizam, and Faiq Zulfaqar Zairy, and Asraf Mohamad Idrus, and Nur Fariza M.Shaipulah, and Norasmah Basari, and Shahrul Anuar Mohd Sah, and Mohamed Nor Zalipah,
Records on anthophilous insects as pollinators of Elaeis guineensis Jacq. (Arecales: Arecaceae) in Malaysia.
Serangga, 29
pp. 85-104.
ISSN 1394-5130
Stukalyuk, Stanislav and Kozyr, Mykola and Goncharenko, Igor
Habitat analysis of Formica rufa AND Formica polyctena (HYMENOPTERA; FORMICIDAE) preferences in KYIV CITY, Ukraine according to Vegetation.
Serangga, 29
pp. 29-48.
ISSN 1394-5130
Syafrina lamin, and Elsa Claudia, and Juswardi Rasidin, and Rahmat Pratama,
Composition and Diversity of the Nymphalid butterfly (LEPIDOPTERA: NYMPHALIDAE) in South Sumatra, Indonesia.
Serangga, 29
pp. 138-155.
ISSN 1394-5130
Zheng Yang, Gerald Lee and Atom, Alice and T. Lardizabal, Maria Lourdes
A preliminary checklist of lepidoptera in oil palm area and remnant forest at Sandakan Bay Estates, Sabah, Malaysia.
Serangga, 29
pp. 150-159.
ISSN 1394-5130
Zheng Yang, Gerald Lee and Atom, Alice and T. Lardizabal, Maria Lourdes
A preliminary checklist of lepidoptera in oil palm area and remnant forest at Sandakan bay estates, Sabah, Malaysia.
Serangga, 29
pp. 160-176.
ISSN 1394-5130
This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 20:02:36 2025 MYT.