Number of items: 35.
Abu Hassan Ahmad, and Shehu, Ibrahim Kura and Hamdan Ahmad, and Intan Haslina Ishak, and Salim, Hasber and Kayode, Olayemi Israel and Solomon, Danjuma and Yakudima, Ismaila Ibrahim
Monthly assessment of the relative abundance and development of immature stages of culex mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of the selected breeding habitats in Niger, Nigeria.
Serangga, 27
pp. 187-203.
ISSN 1394-5130
Afroz, Mansura and Amin, Md Ruhul and Uddin Miah, Md Ramiz and Hossain, M Mofazzal
Effect of leaf characteristics of sweet gourd germplasms on
the population abundance and infestation of epilachna beetle
(Epilachna spp.).
Serangga, 27
pp. 72-82.
ISSN 1394-5130
Ahmad Azani Othman, and Muhammad Syafiq Mohd Nasarudin, and Nurul Narisya Othman, and Azwandi Ahmad,
Investigation of fly-bacteria’s association on decomposing tissues and antimicrobial evaluation of fly larvae native excretions/secretions.
Serangga, 27
pp. 57-76.
ISSN 1394-5130
Choong, C.Y.
Perkembangan larva Tramea transmarina euryale Selys, 1878 (Insecta: Odonata).
pp. 54-65.
Dewi Sartiami, and Warniyadi, and Nada Rachmatika, and Ruly Anwar, and Suroto Adisuseno, and Watson, Gillian W.
Coccidohystrix insolita (Green) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) from Indonesia and its note on the
three solanaceous plants.
Serangga, 27
pp. 162-171.
ISSN 1394-5130
Fitri, Lenni and Anggi, Deby Liestia and Yekki Yasmin,
The potential of thermophilic chitinolytic bacteria Ie Jue,
Aceh, Indonesia as larvicide of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner).
Serangga, 27
pp. 39-57.
ISSN 1394-5130
Gaikwad, Sunil Madhukar and Patil, Aarati Nivasrao and Zende, Piyusha Rajendra
Gross anatomy and histology of the alimentary canal of
Hierodula coarctata saussure (Mantodea: Mantidae).
Serangga, 27
pp. 106-122.
ISSN 1394-5130
Ireng Darwati, and Paramita Maris, and Agus Kardinan, and Norhayati Ngah,
Penentuan oviposisi kumbang Callosobruchus maculatus
(Coleoptera: Bruchidae) ke atas pelbagai jenis kekacang.
Serangga, 27
pp. 28-37.
ISSN 1394-5130
Izfa Riza Hazmi, and Muhammmad Imran Mohd Kamal,
Pengaruh faktor masa dan abiotik terhadap kelakuan keluar masuk sarang lebah kelulut, Tetrigona apicalis (Smith, 1857) (Hymenoptera: Apidae).
Serangga, 27
pp. 238-251.
ISSN 1394-5130
Jannatul Yeasmin Joaty, and Md. Mamunur Rahman, and Md. Ruhul Amin,
Mitochondrial DNA based phylogeny and haplotype networking of European honeybee Apis mellifera L. In Bangladesh.
Serangga, 27
pp. 220-237.
ISSN 1394-5130
Jelina Hilo, and Vikneswary Subramaniam, and Stanly Merum Mawar, and Nur Ruzana Ruzaimi, and Nur Farhana Nisha Syazwan, and Reincce Rhyl Bruen Scott, and Sara Dalton Saging, and Muhammad Firdaus Zaidi, and Heranya Sivanesan, and Farah Nabillah Abu Hasan Aidil Fitri, and Madinah Adrus,
Preliminary checklist of Rhopalocera (Lepidoptera) in Libiki
Bamboo Resort, Bau, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Serangga, 27
pp. 58-71.
ISSN 1394-5130
Marina Roseli, and Khairil Mahmud,
Kelimpahan dan komposisi serangga di hutan pesisir pantai dan pedalaman Pulau Redang, Terengganu, Malaysia.
Serangga, 27
pp. 1-11.
ISSN 1394-5130
Masdah Mawi, and Muhamad Hanzalah Mat Saad, and Anis Syahirah Mokhtar, and Norhayu Asib,
Toxicity Azadirachta indica and Piper Sarmentosum extract mixture formulations against Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) in paddy field.
Serangga, 27
pp. 132-142.
ISSN 1394-5130
Mohammad Zafrullah Salim, and Mohammad Hilmi Mohd Zahir, and Farrah Melissa Muharam, and Nur Azura Adam, and Dzolkhifli Omar, and Nor Azura Husin, and Syed Mohd Faizal Syed Ali,
Weather-based forecasting model for the presence of Metisa plana in oil palm plantation using feature selection in
artificial neural network.
Serangga, 27
pp. 138-151.
ISSN 1394-5130
Muhamad Noor Syafiq Omar, and Abdul Hafiz Ab Majid,
The life table of Indian meal‐moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Phycitidae) from two different warehouses in Malaysia.
Serangga, 27
pp. 180-187.
ISSN 1394-5130
Nor Aliza Abdul Rahim, and Tan, Cindy Siew Ching and Anna Andrew,
Investigation on transvorial transmission of chikungunya and dengue viruses in the wild population of Aedes mosquitoes at selected rural localities in Kuching Sarawak, Malaysia.
Serangga, 27
pp. 1-22.
ISSN 1394-5130
Nur Adila Kamaruddin, and Nabilah Zolkepli, and Nur Syahida Wadhihah Kamarudin, and Norasmah Basari,
A predatory activity of Oecophylla smaragdina (Hymenoptera :
Formicidae) on citrus pests.
Serangga, 27
pp. 83-93.
ISSN 1394-5130
Nur Fariza M Shaipulah, and Nor Aida Rohayu Hashim, and Sharifah Masit’ah Syed Esa, and Lian, Chong Ju
Effects of jasmonic acid on the feeding activity and reproductive performance of the two-spotted spider mites, Tetranychus Urticae Koch (Tetranychidae: Acari).
Serangga, 27
pp. 119-131.
ISSN 1394-5130
Nur Khairunnisa Salleh, and Nurul Wahida Othman, and Muhammad Afiq Senen, and Norela Sulaiman,
Kepekatan kandungan enzim lusiferase dan morfometrik organ cahaya kelip-kelip, Pteroptyx tener (Coleptera: Lampyridae) spesies jantan dan betina.
Serangga, 27
pp. 12-27.
ISSN 1394-5130
Nurkomar, Ihsan and Dina Wahyu Trisnawati, and Arrasyid, Fiber
Life cycle and survivorship of eri silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini biosduval (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) on three different cassava leaves diet.
Serangga, 27
pp. 94-105.
ISSN 1394-5130
Nurul Farisa Reward, and Muhammad Muzzammil Mohd Nizar, and Zulidzham Mohd Sani, and Mohd. Fahimee Jaapar,
A preliminary study of insect diversity associated with glutinous paddy plant at Telok Chengai, Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia.
Serangga, 27
pp. 27-37.
ISSN 1394-5130
Pramudi, Muhammad Indar and Helda Orbani Rosa, and Hamidah,
Diversity and abundance of pest mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) on papaya in Tanah Laut and Banjarbaru City, South Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Serangga, 27
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 1394-5130
Salmah Yaakop, and Muhamad Azmi Mohammed, and Ameyra Aman-Zuki, and Marthiuz Ghany Buang, and Nur Hasanah Hamdan, and Martha Sani, and Jie Hung, Patricia King
Barkod DNA spesies koya (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) dan semut
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae) yang berasosiasi dengan tanaman
nanas di Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Serangga, 27
pp. 38-53.
ISSN 1394-5130
Sarah Shazwani Zakaria, and Nurfarahin Zaidi, and Nur Syafiqah Abdul Ghani, and Nur Aina Munirah Ab Baki, and Nurshahira Ruslan, and Nur Hasyimah Ramli,
Kepelbagaian dan kelimpahan Onthophagus sp. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) di ladang kelapa sawit Kg. Beting dan hutan UiTM cawangan Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.
Serangga, 27
pp. 172-186.
ISSN 1394-5130
Satria, Rijal and Jannatan, Robby and Syukria Hayati Musfira, and Rafi, Mahesa and Gusti, Meliana and Halimah Tus Sakdiah, and Dwi Hilda Putri,
First discovery of the genus Discothyrea Roger, 1863 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Proceratiinae) from Sumatra, Indonesia.
Serangga, 27
pp. 93-100.
ISSN 1394-5130
Saurin Gintoron Christharina, and Idris Muhamad Ikhwan, and Abang Fatimah,
Effects of vertical gradient on the diversity and abundance
of Nymphalidae in a Bornean rainforest.
Serangga, 27
pp. 23-38.
ISSN 1394-5130
Stukalyuk, Stanislav and Akhmedov, Ascar and Kosiuk, Nataly
Trail activity of ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) at different habitat structure.
Serangga, 27
pp. 143-161.
ISSN 1394-5130
Stukalyuk, Stanislav and Akhmedov, Ascar and Stelia, Valery and Shymanskyi, Artem and Netsvetov, Maksym
Nuptial flight in ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).
Serangga, 27
pp. 152-179.
ISSN 1394-5130
Su, Chong Ming and King, Jie Hung and Ong, Kian Huat
The effect of insecticides on pollinating weevils, Elaeidobius kamerunicus on flower visitation and newly-developed weevils.
Serangga, 27
pp. 13-26.
ISSN 1394-5130
Suhri, Andi Gita Maulidyah Indraswari and Soesilohadi, RC Hidayat and Agus, Ali and Kahono, Sih and Putra, Ramadhani Eka and Raffiudin, Rika and Purnobasuki, Hery
Nesting site and nest architecture of wallacea endemic stingless bee species Tetragonula cf. biroi and wallacetrigona incisa of Indonesia.
Serangga, 27
pp. 38-56.
ISSN 1394-5130
Tawakkal, Refer Iqbal and Dwi Novitasari, and Muzaki, Farid Kamal and Indah Trisnawati,
Seasonal butterfly (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) abundance in forest edges and hiking trail of Ngluyu Forest, East Java, Indonesia.
Serangga, 27
pp. 77-92.
ISSN 1394-5130
Wahizatul Afzan Azmi, and Nurul Izdihar Razali, and Nur Azmina Adnan, and Shamsul Bahri Abdul Razak, and Wan Bayani Wan Omar, and Ehsan Abdul Rahman,
Ontogenic time and morphometric analysis of in-vitro rearing
of stingless bee queen, Heterotrigona itama (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini).
Serangga, 27
pp. 123-137.
ISSN 1394-5130
Wan Nurainie Wan Ismail, and Sofea Noor Mustafa, and Ratnawati Hazali, and Nurul Zawiyah Mohamad, and Hazirah Mohd Tamin Nor,
Wing variation in tribe limenitidini (Nymphalidae: Limenitidinae) from Sarawak, Malaysia.
Serangga, 27
pp. 78-105.
ISSN 1394-5130
Wee, Suk Ling and Ooi, Theng Yim
Penentuan gerak balas bergantung-kepada-umur lalat buah Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Diptera: Tephritidae) terhadap dua bahan penarik jantan fenilbutanoid.
Serangga, 27
pp. 66-77.
ISSN 1394-5130
Zarkani, Agustin and Nadrawati, and Djamilah, and Sunardi, Tri and Priyatiningsih, and Apriyanto, Dwinardi and Ercan, Cansu and Kaydan, Mehmet Bora
A first record of mealybug, Planococcus bendovi Williams
(Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Pseudococcidae) in Southeast Asia.
Serangga, 27
pp. 188-198.
ISSN 1394-5130
This list was generated on Thu Dec 19 15:22:44 2024 MYT.