Number of items: 18.
Aisha Ahmed Amer, and Maslina Darus,
Certain properties for analytic functions defined by a generalised derivative operator.
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 8
pp. 37-44.
ISSN 1823-5670
Brenda Chong, and Sakhinah Abu Bakar, and Choong-Yeun Liong ,
Modelling of distribution system in a factory warehouse using arena
(Pemodelan sistem pengedaran gudang kilang menggunakan arena).
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 8
pp. 65-76.
ISSN 1823-5670
Ercan Özdemir, and Gürsel Güler , and Ramazan Dikici,
Evaluation of Turkish Students selection examination questions for Mathematics 2/Algebra
(Penilaian soalan peperiksaan pemilihan pelajar Turki untuk Matematik 2/Aljabar).
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 8
pp. 73-84.
ISSN 1823-5670
Harjinder Singh, and Mehrok.B.S, and Deepak Gupta,
Some subclasses of generalised pascu classes of functions with respect to symmetric points
(Beberapa subkelas bagi fungsi kelas pascu teritlak terhadap titik simetri).
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 8
pp. 89-107.
ISSN 1823-5670
Hazwani Mohd Radzi, and Zanariah Abdul Majid, and Fudziah Ismail, and Mohamed Suleiman,
Two and three point one-step block methods for solving delay differential Eequations (Kaedah blok satu langkah dua dan tiga titik bagi penyelesaian persamaan pembezaan
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 82
pp. 29-41.
ISSN 1823-5670
Hong , Choon Ong and Chiew , Seng Lee and Chye , Ching Sia
A case study on quality of sleep and health using Bayesian networks.
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 8
pp. 21-36.
ISSN 1823-5670
Khairul Anuar Mohd Ali , and Nadiah Maisarah Abdul Ghani,
Penandaarasan kualiti pengajaran: kajian kes terhadap penyedia khidmat latihan terpilih di Lembah Klang
(Benchmarking for quality of teaching: a case study on selected training service providers in Klang Valley).
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 8
pp. 55-71.
ISSN 1823-5670
Leony Tham Yew Seng, and Roslinda Nazar, and Ioan Pop,
Mixed convection flow at the lower stagnation point of a circular cylinder embedded in a porous medium filled by a nanofluid containing gyrotactic microorganisms.
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 8
pp. 45-63.
ISSN 1823-5670
Mohd Rashid Ab Hamid, and Zainol Mustafa, and Nur Riza Mohd Suradi, and Fazli Idris, and Mokhtar Abdullah, and Nordin Jamaluddin,
Model kecemerlangan IPT berasaskan nilai teras: pendekatan pemodelan kuasa dua terkecil separa
(Value-based excellence model for Institutions of Higher Learning: a partial least squares modelling approach).
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 8
pp. 1-16.
ISSN 1823-5670
Muhammad Hisyam Lee, and Suhartono,
A weighted Fuzzy time series model for forecasting seasonal data(Suatu model siri masakabur berpemberat untuk meramal data bermusim).
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 8
pp. 85-95.
ISSN 1823-5670
Nadiah Abu Bakar, and Rokiah@Rozita Ahmad, and Azmin Sham Rambely, and Shuhaimi-Othman , M.
Pemodelan dinamik fitoplankton menggunakan model nutrien-fitoplankton-zooplankton (Dynamic modelling of Phytoplankton using nutrient-phytoplankton-zooplankton model).
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 8
pp. 123-132.
ISSN 1823-5670
Nahdiya Zainal Abidin, and Mohd Bakri Adam, and Habshah Midi,
Hybrid conditional plot of goodness-of-fit for gumbel distribution
(Plot bersyarat hibrid bagi ujian kebagusan penyuaian untuk taburan gumbel).
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 8
pp. 43-53.
ISSN 1823-5670
Sakhinah Abu Bakar, and Javid Taheri, and Albert Y Zomaya,
FIS-PNN: a hybrid computational method for protein-protein interactions prediction using the secondary structure information.
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 8
pp. 9-20.
ISSN 1823-5670
Salma Faraj Ramadan, and Maslina Darus,
New subclass of harmonic univalent functions defined by a generalised differential operator
(Subkelas baharu fungsi univalen harmonik yang ditakrif oleh pengoperasi pembeza teritlak).
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 8
pp. 97-109.
ISSN 1823-5670
Seri Bunian Mokhtar, and Saemah Rahman, and Mohd Yusof Husain,
Pengesahan instrumen kemahiran generik: analisis faktor pengesahan (Generic skills instrument validation: confirmatory factor analysis).
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 8
pp. 111-122.
ISSN 1823-5670
Wan Rozita Wan Din, and Azmin Sham Rambely, and Abdul Aziz Jemain,
Pelicinan analisis data fungsian terhadap data biomekanik ketepatan tembakan
(Functional data analysis smoothing on biomechanics shooting accuracy data).
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 8
pp. 77-87.
ISSN 1823-5670
Zaharuzaman Jamaluddin, and Ahmad Mahir Razali, and Zainol Mustafa,
Persepsi ke atas penggunaan alat dan teknik kualiti terhadap prestasi kualiti dalam industri pembuatan.
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 8
pp. 1-8.
ISSN 1823-5670
Zetty Ain Kamaruzzaman, and Zaidi Isa, and Mohd Tahir Ismail,
Bukti empirik ketaknormalan bagi indeks bulanan pasaran saham bursa Malaysia
(Empirical evidence on non-normality in monthly stock market indices of Bursa Malaysia).
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 8
pp. 17-28.
ISSN 1823-5670
This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 03:58:12 2025 MYT.