Number of items: 61.
Afifah Idris, and Noremy Md. Akhir,
The impacts of COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown on caregivers of family members with mental health issues : the untold story.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 187-199.
ISSN 2180-2491
Al Mahamud, Tanbir and Hasan, Shaikh Shamim and Ghosh, Mithun Kumar and Chakma, Prabin
Assessing farmers’ awareness towards climate change in the middle part of Bangladesh.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 2180-2491
Asyaari Muhamad, and Amir Husaini Saiffuddin,
Sea reclamation in XLIV urban area, Central Malacca district, Malacca : from the perspective of Heritage Impact Assessment study.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 115-130.
ISSN 2180-2491
Bugvi, Salman Abubakar and Mughal, Khurram Hameed and Bugvi, Ayesha Siddiqa and Jamil, Muhammad Fawad and Mehmood, Qaisar
Evaluation of conventional and industry 4.0 manufacturing work design factors for performance based on personal characteristics.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 1-22.
ISSN 2180-2491
Chew, Keng Sheng and Nuraini Ibrahim, and Nur Afiqah Mohd Fazillah, and Dharshinni Subramaniam, and Asher Vikki Sibey, and Farrah Nabilah Silaiman, and Ivy Melissa Woa, and Nurul Azimah Rukyno,
Lived experiences and coping responses toward mandatory quarantine among Malaysian healthcare workers during COVID-19 pandemic : a qualitative analysis.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 200-209.
ISSN 2180-2491
Chong, Shin and Dilah Tuah, and Yusriadi,
Impak pembukaan jajaran Sematan-Telok Melano ke atas sosiobudaya dan sosioekonomi masyarakat di Telok Melano.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 71-86.
ISSN 2180-2491
Daramola, J. and Lam, K.C. and Mohd Ekhwan Toriman, and J. Mokhtar, and Salihu, Y.M. and Babayahaya, A.M. and Alakeji, J.A.
Assessment of landuse/landcover dynamics of Kaduna watershed, using remote sensing data and GIS techniques.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 32-47.
ISSN 2180-2491
Farah Izyan Raman, and Fonny Dameaty Hutagalung, and Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman,
Preparing pre-service teachers for integration of education for sustainable development in school : a systematic review (2013-2022).
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 153-169.
ISSN 2180-2491
Farah Murni Merican, and Syuhaily Osman, and Norzalina Zainudin, and Zuroni Md. Jusoh, and Fadilah Puteh,
Exploring consumer single-use plastic reduction behaviour : a conceptual framework.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 32-45.
ISSN 2180-2491
Hanifah Mahat, and Chulin Lom, and Yazid Saleh, and Mohmadisa Hashim, and Nasir Nayan, and Bikar, Soon Sing
Persediaan guru pelatih Geografi dalam perlaksanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran di rumah semasa latihan mengajar.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 170-184.
ISSN 2180-2491
Hari Haran Karnanidi, and Amirul Hafiz Mohd Nasir,
Do internal auditors improve firms’ working capital management?
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 165-175.
ISSN 2180-2491
Hidayatullah, Ardiansyah Rahmat and Nor Eeda Haji Ali,
Spatial configuration between zoning area in simple residential houses at limited space post pandemic situation.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 241-250.
ISSN 2180-2491
Indah Pujiyanti, and Norainah Abdul Rahman,
Typomorfology of building mass and lingkage in Malioboro, Yogyakarta.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 227-240.
ISSN 2180-2491
Ismail, Arif and Millary Agung, Widiawaty and Jupri, Jupri and Setiawan, Iwan and Sugito, Nanin Trianawati and Moh. Dede,
The influence of Free and Open-Source Software-Geographic Information System online training on spatial habits, knowledge and skills.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 118-130.
ISSN 2180-2491
Izairuddin Isnin, and Muhamad Nadzri Mohamed Noor, and Jamaie Haji Hamil,
Politik Melaka kontemporari : analisis pilihan raya umum negeri Melaka 2021 dan selanjutnya.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 185-199.
ISSN 2180-2491
Jiao, Yijuan and Tan, Mou Leong and Nooriah Yusof, and Suriati Ghazali,
A review of behaviour mechanisms between government and society in bargaining water pollution issues.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 57-71.
ISSN 2180-2491
Kiky Kirina Abdillah, and Azima Abdul Manaf, and Abd Hair Awang,
Pemakaian Lesen Pendudukan Sementara dalam memperuntukkan
keselamatan pegangan tanah : satu keperluan terhadap pendekatan pembangunan manusia.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 90-102.
ISSN 2180-2491
Kousar, Umbreen and Khoso, Abdullah
Fluid practices and functions linked with traditional cuisine Busri in Sindh- Pakistan.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 63-74.
ISSN 2180-2491
Ku, Boon Dar and Azlizan Mat Enh,
Tay Son uprising, 1771-1802 : reassessing Viet Nam's relations with the Malay Archipelago.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 103-114.
ISSN 2180-2491
Maimunah Johari, and Nor Balkish Zakaria, and Aziatul Waznah Ghazali, and Raja Adzrin Raja Ahmad,
Do investors of Islamic equity funds follow Warren Buffet’s advice? a regression assessment.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 111-119.
ISSN 2180-2491
Mao, Dun and Lee, Pei May
COVID -19 pandemic : a litmus test of the resilience of Chinese and US governance models.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 143-154.
ISSN 2180-2491
Marzudi Md Yunus, and Azrie Azeh, and Rohaidah Haron,
Memperkasa aspirasi ekonomi dan gaya belia Melayu : faktor penentu kemenangan dalam pilihan raya umum ke-15.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 200-215.
ISSN 2180-2491
Mohd Khairuddin Mohad Sallehuddin,
Budaya konsumerisme dalam majlis perkahwinan orang Melayu dalam situasi pandemik Covid-19.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 264-277.
ISSN 2180-2491
Mohd Nazri Abdul Raji, and Shahrim Ab. Karim, and Farah Adibah Che Ishak, and Mohd Mursyid Arshad, and Mohd Aliff Abdul Majid,
Exploring the roles of local food in developing Lenggong Valley as a rural food tourism destination.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 16-31.
ISSN 2180-2491
Mohmadisa Hashim, and Jennifer Michael, and Nasir Nayan, and Hanifah Mahat, and Yazid Saleh, and Koh, Liew See and Zahid Mat Said,
Kualiti air tasik dan kesesuaiannya terhadap aktiviti rekreasi berasaskan air di Tasik Embayu, Tanjong Malim, Perak.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 59-70.
ISSN 2180-2491
Muhamad Faiz Aiman Mohd Sohaimin, and Azahan Awang, and Azlan Abas, and Muhammad Rizal Razman,
Petunjuk persekitaran sebagai indikator ramalan cuaca berasaskan kearifan tempatan dalam komuniti tani sara hidup.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 72-89.
ISSN 2180-2491
Muhamed Syafiq Salleh, and Nur Afifah Vanitha Abdullah,
Amalan Angkikiat masyarakat Murut Paluan di Sabah.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 75-89.
ISSN 2180-2491
Munasinghe, Lasika Madhawa and Gunawardhana, Terans and Wickramaarachchi, N.C. and Ariyawansa, R.G.
Mapping the operation of Airbnb in Sri Lankan cities.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 1-15.
ISSN 2180-2491
Nadiah Abd Hamid, and Soliha Sanusi, and Mira Atilia Noor Adzlan, and Nur Munirah Roslan, and Amirul Azri Ayob,
Reforming the Malaysian tax system: the effects of Special Voluntary Disclosure Programme (SVDP), role of Inland Revenue Board Malaysia (IRBM), and demographics of taxpayers on Malaysian tax awareness.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 57-67.
ISSN 2180-2491
Noor Azmi Mohd Zainol, and Nur Hidayah Roslan, and Rosmiza Mohd Zainol, and Safar Yaacob,
Pengurusan risiko bencana : membentuk kesedaran komuniti terhadap peredaan dan persiapan.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 48-62.
ISSN 2180-2491
Nooraini Othman,
Psychological well-being, work-family conflicts and life satisfaction among Malaysian women.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 46-58.
ISSN 2180-2491
Nor Hafizah Selamat, and Khoo, Suet Leng and Premalatha Karupiah, and Zaireeni Azmi,
Resilience and sustainability strategies of Malaysian homestay program during COVID-19 pandemic.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 223-235.
ISSN 2180-2491
Noradilah Md Nordin, and Martin, Peter
The mediating role of perceived stress between smartphone dependency and psychological well-being among college students.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 104-117.
ISSN 2180-2491
Norhafizah Abu Hasan, and Wee, Hin Boo and Wong, Wai Yan
Covid-19 effect on community mobility and stock market of Malaysia.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 37-55.
ISSN 2180-2491
Norziaton Ismail Khan, and Hamzah Bakar,
Malaysian government officials induced in public procurement fraud through the lens of fraud diamond analysis.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 1-16.
ISSN 2180-2491
Nur Farah Wani Mohd Nasir, and Julia Abyana Aziya, and Nur Hafeeza Ahmad Pazil,
COVID-19 and its effects on social connectedness among
Malaysian Malay living abroad.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 236-247.
ISSN 2180-2491
Nur Hafeeza Ahmad Pazil, and Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff, and Maslina Mohammed Shaed, and Noor Alyani Nor Azazi, and Sivamurugan Pandian, and Intan Nooraini Haji Zainol, and Nur Ayuni Mohd Jenol,
Vaccine knowledge among generation Y Malays in Pulau Pinang : a pilot study.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 210-222.
ISSN 2180-2491
Nur Hidayah Waad, and Hamezah Md Nor, and Mohd Mohid Rahmat, and Harlina Mohamed On,
Hubungan antara firma audit pakar industri dan pendedahan urusniaga pihak berkaitan di kalangan syarikat tersenarai di Malaysia.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 97-109.
ISSN 2180-2491
Nurshahira Ibrahim, and Norhapizah Mohd Burhan, and Asjad Mohamed, and Maziah Mahmud, and Sakinatul Raadiyah Abdullah,
Emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence and psychological well-being : impact on society.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 90-103.
ISSN 2180-2491
Nursuhaila Amzah, and Nuriah Abd Majid, and Siti Norsakinah Selamat, and Sharifah Zarina Syed Zakaria, and Muhammad Rizal Razman, and Minhaz Farid Ahmed,
Persepsi masyarakat bandar mengenai vaksin Covid-19 di daerah Melaka Tengah, Malaysia.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 118-137.
ISSN 2180-2491
Nurul Izzati Mohd Ali, and Kadaruddin Aiyub, and Lam, Kuok Choy and Saraswathy Kasavan, and Rusinah Siron, and Sharif Shofirun Sharif Ali,
Kesan pandemik COVID-19 terhadap jaminan bekalan makanan di Malaysia.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 155-171.
ISSN 2180-2491
Nurul’ Ain Jamion, and Lee, Khai Ern and Mazlin Mokhtar, and Goh, Thian Lai and Norbert Simon,
Evaluation of the content validity of the intrinsic-instrumental assessment tool for assessing the nature values of constructed wetlands.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 101-117.
ISSN 2180-2491
Piratheeparajah Nagamuthu, and Tan, Mou Leong and Chan, Ngai Weng and Zhang, Fei
Spatio-temporal variability of droughts over the Mullaitivu District in Sri Lanka from 1980 to 2020.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 15-31.
ISSN 2180-2491
Prasad, Krishna and Prabhu, Bhuvana and Pereira, Lionel and Prabhu, Nandan and S, Pavithra
Effectiveness of geometric brownian motion method in predicting stock prices: evidence from India.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 121-134.
ISSN 2180-2491
Pratama, Bima Cinintya and Amrizah Kamaluddin, and Shukriah Saad,
Intellectual capital and social performance of Islamic banks in Indonesia and Malaysia: the moderating role of sharia supervisory boards.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 85-95.
ISSN 2180-2491
Premalatha Karupiah,
Nostalgia of Thaipusam celebration during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 278-286.
ISSN 2180-2491
Rasidah Arshad, and Norulhuda Tajuddin, and Nor Shuhadannisah Abd Shukor, and Muhammad Rahmat Abdullah,
Pengaruh kepimpinan beretika terhadap tingkah laku kerja tidak produktif: komitmen organisasi, identifikasi organisasi dan kepercayaan sebagai pengantara.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 135-146.
ISSN 2180-2491
Sen, Kanon Kumar and Abedin, Md. Thasinul and Hossain, Tanjila and Ghosh, Ratan
Audit committee independence, director ownership, audit quality and non-performing loans.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 69-83.
ISSN 2180-2491
Shahril Azhari Jumari, and Abdullah Hisam Omar, and Khairulnizam M. Idris, and Nazirah Mohamad Abdullah,
A framework of institutional analysis toward an effective inter-state border delimitation and demarcation in Peninsular Malaysia.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 23-43.
ISSN 2180-2491
Shamil, Mohamed M. and Junaid M. Shaikh, and Poh, Ling Ho and Anbalagan Krishnan,
External pressures, managerial motive and corporate sustainability strategy: evidence from a developing economy.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 17-36.
ISSN 2180-2491
Siti Ngayesah Ab Hamid, and Hafizah Omar Zaki, and Zizah Che Senik,
Students’ satisfaction and intention to continue online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 138-152.
ISSN 2180-2491
Siti Nurul Munawwarah Roslan, and Kastury Gohain, and Dayangku Azriani Awang Ismail, and Vikniswari Vija Kumaran, and Mohd Khairi Ismail,
Covid-19 : analysis on financial wellbeing during the implementation of Movement Control Order in Malaysia.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 172-186.
ISSN 2180-2491
Siti Zuliana Salleh, and A.R. Bushroa,
Bibliometric analysis on the implementation digitization technologies in cultural heritage in Malaysia.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 287-300.
ISSN 2180-2491
Sofiah Md. Auzair, and Ramy Basloom, and Muslim Har Sani, and Amizawati Mohd Amir,
Pengaruh krisis peperangan terhadap amalan perakaunan pengurusan Perusahaan Kecil Sederhana (PKS) di Yaman.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 177-189.
ISSN 2180-2491
Soliha Sanusi, and Nik Herda Nik Abdullah, and Nabilah Rozzani, and Muslichah, Istyakara
Factors influencing the level of satisfaction on online learning among tertiary students during Covid-19 pandemic era – a Malaysian study.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 248-263.
ISSN 2180-2491
Syaima’ Adznan, and Zulkarnain Muhamad Sori, and Shamsher Mohamad Ramadili Mohd,
Intellectual capital disclosure and corporate governance: empirical evidence from a cross country that offering Islamic bank services.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 147-164.
ISSN 2180-2491
Syazwani Ahmad, and Aprodita Emma Yetti, and Nor Eeda Ali, and Mohamad Sofiyuddin Sanusi, and Puteri Yuliana Samsudin,
Adaptation of traditional Malay house design towards housing comfort and satisfaction.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 216-226.
ISSN 2180-2491
Tengku Adeline Adura Tengku Hamzah, and Amirah Sariyati Mohd Yahya, and Aziz Shafie,
The influence of demographic variables to e-waste management practices in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 44-56.
ISSN 2180-2491
Tika Ainunnisa Fitria, and Mohd Hisyam Rasidi, and Ismail Said,
The space privatization : the forming process of social space in kampung, Prawirotaman, Yogyakarta.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 251-263.
ISSN 2180-2491
Tunku Nashril-Abaidah, and Mohammad Agus Yusoff,
Asymmetric power in Malaysian politics : Muhyiddin’s domination.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 131-142.
ISSN 2180-2491
Yu, Chiu Hung and Ling, Gabriel Hoh Teck and Huang, Chih-Hong and Leng, Pau Chung and Nur Amiera Md Suhud, and Ho, Wai Shin
A review on architectural and urban design approaches to reducing the urban heat island effect.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 18
pp. 87-100.
ISSN 2180-2491
This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 12:42:58 2025 MYT.