Number of items: 108.
A. Bakar Jaafar, and S.L.Tong, and N. Suhaila Othman, and Amirul Shazli Mohamed,
Recent development in continuous water quality monitoring technologies and applications.
Malaysian Journal of Environmental Management, 1
pp. 95-111.
ISSN 1511-7855
Abd Halim Mohd Noor,
Technological effort in developing countries:
multinational corporations in Malaysia.
Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, 34
pp. 39-58.
ISSN 0127-1962
Abd Rahim Md Nor , and Jamaluddin Md. Jahi,
Human perception and adjustment to flood hazards: the Kelantan drainage basin experience.
Malaysian Journal of Environmental Management, 1
pp. 73-93.
ISSN 1511-7855
Abdul Aziz Bari,
Kebebasan dan hak-hak asasi di bawah
perlembagaan persekutuan
- satu analisis umum.
Jurnal Undang-undang, 4
ISSN 1394-7729
Abdul Hadi Harman Shah, and Abdul Samad Hadi,
Modelling for integrated drainage basin management.
Malaysian Journal of Environmental Management, 1
pp. 113-141.
ISSN 1511-7855
Abdul Latif Samian,
An inquiry into Newton's concept of mathernatisation.
MALIM: Jurnal Pengajian Umum Asia Tenggara, 01
ISSN 1511-8393
Abdul Manan M.D., and Mohd Kamil H., and Jamaluddin, A.R.,
Kajian tahap pengetahuan dan penggunaan teknologi maklumat di kalangan anggota Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Terengganu.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 6
pp. 85-98.
ISSN 1675-1663
Adnan Hussein, and Kamariah Hj. Siarap,
Penggunaan teknologi komunikasi-informasi dikalangan ahli akademik di Malaysia.
Jurnal Komunikasi ; Malaysian Journal of Communication, 16
pp. 119-130.
ISSN 0128-1496
Ahmad Fariz Mohamed, and Jamaluddin Md.Jahi,
Implication of manufacturing industries within Langat drainage basin: issues and challengers.
Malaysian Journal of Environmental Management, 1
pp. 143-161.
ISSN 1511-7855
Ahmad Kamal Yahya, and Faizah Md. Salleh,
Microstructure, hardness and superconducting properties of Ag added ErBa2Cu307-δ.
Sains Malaysiana, 29
pp. 201-209.
ISSN 0126-6039
Aishah Ahmad Makinuddin, and Osman Ali,
Pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan tentang kanser serviks di kalangan bidan, jururawat desa dan jururawat masyarakat.
pp. 107-119.
ISSN 0126-5008
Amir H. Khadum, and Wan Ramli Wan Daud, and Abu Bakar Mohamad, and Mohammad H. Rasheed, and Ambar Yarmo,
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis of nafion® 117 electrolytic membrane.
Sains Malaysiana, 29
pp. 187-196.
ISSN 0126-6039
Anita Abdul Rahim,
Sexual harassment: how far does the penal
code protect the victim?
Jurnal Undang-undang, 4
ISSN 1394-7729
Azmi H., and Mohd Kamil H., and Abdul Razak K.,
Perkhidmatan kesihatan pekerja di Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Terengganu.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 6
pp. 120-128.
ISSN 1675-1663
Bashirah, and Sharanjeet Kaur, and A.E. Ariffin,
Dos dedahan radiasi dan penglihatan warna pekerja di Mint.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 6
pp. 126-134.
ISSN 1675-1663
Chan , Lai Keng and Chris , K.H. Teo
The significance of leaf morphological characters for the identification of carica papaya L. cultivars in Malaysia.
Sains Malaysiana, 29
pp. 45-62.
ISSN 0126-6039
Che Abd Rahim Mohamed, and Noor Azhar Mohamed Shzili,
Sedimentation rate of trace elements in the surface sediment of the south China Sea.
Sains Malaysiana, 29
pp. 225-232.
ISSN 0126-6039
Chen , Ai-Hong and Napisah Sai,
Effect of body posture on visual acuity, refractive errorand binocular vision.
Sains Malaysiana, 29
pp. 33-43.
ISSN 0126-6039
Ezhar Tamam,
Intercultural communication at workplaces: difficulties as voiced by local and expatriate managers.
Jurnal Komunikasi ; Malaysian Journal of Communication, 16
pp. 85-97.
ISSN 0128-1496
Faridah Ibrahim, and K.E. Choong, and J.L Ler,
Profesionalisme dan wanita: suatu perbandingan antara pengamal periklanan dan wartawan.
Jurnal Komunikasi ; Malaysian Journal of Communication, 16
pp. 177-197.
ISSN 0128-1496
Fauzias Mat Nor, and Noor Azuddin Yakob, and Zaidi Isa,
Cointegration test on ASEAN currencies before and during the currency turmoil.
Jurnal Pengurusan, 19
ISSN 0127-2713
Geri Kibe AK Gopir,
Modelling of stark effect in InAs-AlGaSb multi-quantum wells.
Sains Malaysiana, 29
pp. 145-161.
ISSN 0126-6039
Goh , Swee Heng and Tan , Teong Hing
Bukti penerobosan air laut di Sekitar Pekan, Pahang Darul Makmur.
Sains Malaysiana, 29
pp. 211-223.
ISSN 0126-6039
Goh , Swee Heng and Tan , Teong Hing
Pengelasan kualiti air sepanjang sungai dan anak Sungai Pahang.
Sains Malaysiana, 29
pp. 257-272.
ISSN 0126-6039
Habshah Mid,
Heteroscedastic nonlinear regression by using Tanh Psi function.
Sains Malaysiana, 29
pp. 103-118.
ISSN 0126-6039
Hadi Sumarno, and Abdul Aziz Jemain, and Wan Norsiah Mohamed,
Model umur berkahwin pertama di Jawa dan Bali.
Sains Malaysiana, 29
pp. 63-79.
ISSN 0126-6039
Hanafiah,M.S., and Khadijah, S., and Md. Idris,M.N., and Kasmini, K.,
Study on health and behavioural problems of adolescents - a school based intervention program.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 6
pp. 135-142.
ISSN 1675-1663
Hasidah Mohd Sidek, and Chee , Suan Kim and Rohani Abd. Kadir,
Penglibatan protein fosfotirosin dalam infeksi plasmodium berghei.
Sains Malaysiana, 29
pp. 1-9.
ISSN 0126-6039
Ibrahim, M.Y., and Norliza, A., and Judy, T., and Napsiah, H., and Scholastica, L.,
Klinik mesra - satu inovasi dalam perkhidmatan ibu dan anak di Klinik Kesihatan.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 6
pp. 99-101.
ISSN 1675-1663
Idris Aman,
Bahasa, kuasa, dan ideologi: analisis wacana kritis sebutan baku Bahasa Melayu.
pp. 121-133.
ISSN 0126-5008
Indrajit Lahiri,
An application of Banach’s fixed point theorem to the entire functions.
Sains Malaysiana, 29
pp. 129-133.
ISSN 0126-6039
Indrarajit Banerjee,
Cultural industries and cultural dynamics in Malaysia: critical problems of content in the age of infrastructure.
Jurnal Komunikasi ; Malaysian Journal of Communication, 16
pp. 33-50.
ISSN 0128-1496
Izani Ibrahim, and Yaccob Othman,
The relationship between trading volume, returns and volatility in the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange.
Jurnal Pengurusan, 19
ISSN 0127-2713
Jamaiyah H.,
Community mental health in Malaysia: marriage of psychiatry and public health.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 6
pp. 155-166.
ISSN 1675-1663
Jamal Othman,
Economic benefits of Wetlands-based recreation: the case of Kuala Selangor fireflies and Nature Park.
Malaysian Journal of Environmental Management, 1
pp. 41-54.
ISSN 1511-7855
Jamal Othman,
Linking exchange rates, market failures and
agricultural land demand.
Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, 34
pp. 21-37.
ISSN 0127-1962
June M. L. Poon, and Rohaya Abdul Ghani, and Rasidah Arshad,
Kesan latihan silang budaya terhadap tanggapan kawalan dan sikap silang budaya.
Jurnal Pengurusan, 19
ISSN 0127-2713
K. Sopian, and M.Y. Othman, B. Yatim, and A.H Shamsuddin,
Potential application of environment-friendly renewable energy system- options for Malaysia.
Malaysian Journal of Environmental Management, 1
pp. 3-19.
ISSN 1511-7855
Kamarudin Haji Salleh,
The problem of the authenticity of Al-Ghazali’s work and its relation to the nature of his sufism.
Islamiyyat : Jurnal Antarabangsa Pengajian Islam; International Journal of Islamic Studies, 21
ISSN 0216-5636
Kamarudin Mohd Yusof, and Mohammad Fauzi Bahari,
Perubahan kekuatan mampatan konkrit muda terhadap amplitud relatif
gelombang ultrasonik.
Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 12
Kamarulzaman Ibrahim,
A problem in assessing the effectiveness of small roundabouts
over time.
Sains Malaysiana, 29
pp. 81-92.
ISSN 0126-6039
Kanniappan, P. and Pandian, P.
Duality in multiobjective fractional programming problemswith strong pseudoinvexity constraints.
Sains Malaysiana, 29
pp. 119-128.
ISSN 0126-6039
Karim B. Yaacob, and Daniel Joulain,
Volatile constituents from the infected wood of aquilaria malaccensis Benth.
Sains Malaysiana, 29
pp. 197-200.
ISSN 0126-6039
Katiman Rostam,
Bandar pertengahan sebagai pusat pembangunan industri pembuatan di Malaysia: Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur.
pp. 3-25.
ISSN 0126-5008
Khairul Anwar Mastor,
Religion and morality: a continuing discourse.
MALIM: Jurnal Pengajian Umum Asia Tenggara, 01
ISSN 1511-8393
Latifah Mohamad Nor,
Occupational sex segregation and discrimination in peninsular Malaysia.
Jurnal Pengurusan, 19
ISSN 0127-2713
Lilia Halim, and Norlena Salamuddin,
Orientasi akademik: pendekatan alternatif dalam program pendidikan guru siswazah di Malaysia.
pp. 47-64.
ISSN 0126-5008
M.N. Islam, and F.N. Ani,
Production of bio-oil from Palm Oil Shell.
Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 12
M.V. Ramachandra,
Perkembangan IT dalam Industri Perfileman.
Jurnal Komunikasi ; Malaysian Journal of Communication, 16
pp. 131-140.
ISSN 0128-1496
Maharam Mamat,
Mencari struktur 'baru' dalam Jagat Kesusasteraan Melayu.
MALIM: Jurnal Pengajian Umum Asia Tenggara, 01
ISSN 1511-8393
Mashitoh Yaacob,
Pembangunan, pembandaran dan masalah persekitaran dalam konteks pembangunan berterusan.
MALIM: Jurnal Pengajian Umum Asia Tenggara, 01
ISSN 1511-8393
Mat Nor Abdullah,
Tabaqat Fuhul al-Shuara’ sebagai sumber terawal kritikan terhadap kesusasteraan Arab.
Islamiyyat : Jurnal Antarabangsa Pengajian Islam; International Journal of Islamic Studies, 21
ISSN 0216-5636
Matthes, Joachim
Religion in the social sciences: a socio-epistemological critique.
pp. 85-105.
ISSN 0126-5008
Md Zabid Abdul Rashid,
Business strategies and competitive advantage factors in the electronics industry in Malaysia.
Jurnal Pengurusan, 19
ISSN 0127-2713
Mohamad Mohsin Mohamad Said,
Kreativiti dalam perspektif Islam : menganalisa kreativiti Muhamad Iqbal melalui ideanya.
MALIM: Jurnal Pengajian Umum Asia Tenggara, 01
ISSN 1511-8393
Mohd Arip Kasmo,
Developing the potential of the Muslims through the Quranic teaching: a reflection.
MALIM: Jurnal Pengajian Umum Asia Tenggara, 01
ISSN 1511-8393
Mohd Bahrin Othman,
Remote sensing : capabilities and
legal issues.
Jurnal Undang-undang, 4
ISSN 1394-7729
Mohd Nasir Saadon , and Lim , Phaik Kin
Distributions of temperature and dissolved oxygen in the Terengganu estuary.
Sains Malaysiana, 29
pp. 171-185.
ISSN 0126-6039
Mohd Talib Hj. Latif , and Mohd. Rozali Othman,
Komponen bahan inorganik dalam zarahan termendap semasa kejadian jerebu 1997.
Malaysian Journal of Environmental Management, 1
pp. 55-72.
ISSN 1511-7855
Mohd. Azhar, G.,
Managing Malaysian water resources development.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 6
pp. 40-58.
ISSN 1675-1663
Mohd. Hazim Shah,
Globalisation: its philosophical and sociological presuppositions.
Akademika, 56
pp. 65-83.
ISSN 0126-5008
Mohd. Safar Hasim,
South East Asian countries’ response to the advent of information era: with emphasis on Malaysia.
Jurnal Komunikasi ; Malaysian Journal of Communication, 16
pp. 1-32.
ISSN 0128-1496
Mohd. Sobri Takriff, and W.R. Penney, and J.B. Fasano,
Effect of impeller diameter to vessel diameter ratio on gas holdup.
Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 12
Muhammad Fauzi Mohd.Zain, and Sudharshan Naidu Raman, and Md. Safiuddin,
Pengaruh penggantian sebahagian pasir dengan debu kuari ke atas ciri
konkrit prestasi tinggi baru.
Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 12
Musa Ahmad , and Elya Sufliza Marsom, and Harun Hamzah,
Penentuan Cr(VI) dalam air menggunakan spektrofotometer UL-nampak dan reagen 1, 5-difenilkarbazida.
Sains Malaysiana, 29
pp. 135-143.
ISSN 0126-6039
Musa Bin Abu Hassan, and Saera Jaamat,
Factors considered in the production of advertising in multi-racial society.
Jurnal Komunikasi ; Malaysian Journal of Communication, 16
pp. 71-83.
ISSN 0128-1496
Nathan , Sheila and Mayne, Lynne
DNA repair at the gene level in trichothiodystrophy cells.
Sains Malaysiana, 29
pp. 19-31.
ISSN 0126-6039
Noorazuan Md. Hashim ,
Water consumption analysis of Langat river basin.
Malaysian Journal of Environmental Management, 1
pp. 21-39.
ISSN 1511-7855
Nor Ghani Md. Nor, and Zulkifly Osman, and Ahmad Zainuddin Abdullah, and Chin VitJun,
Trends in the Malaysian industrial market
Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, 34
pp. 3-20.
ISSN 0127-1962
Norani Mohd Salleh, and Mohd. Sham Kasim,
How do young adolescents spend their waking hours at night.
pp. 135-146.
ISSN 0126-5008
Norazmi A, and Idris, M.N. and Osman Ali,
Prevalence of coronary risk factors: fisherman vs non-fisherman in Tumpat Kelantan.
Sains Malaysiana, 29
pp. 11-18.
ISSN 0126-6039
Normah Mustaffa,
Proses buatputusan dalam pemilihan isi kandungan majalah.
Jurnal Komunikasi ; Malaysian Journal of Communication, 16
pp. 199-210.
ISSN 0128-1496
Norman Mariun, and Ishak bin Aris, and D. Liang, and W. Shepherd,
IGBT modelling using Hspice curve-fitting optimisation method.
Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 12
Norzalita Aziz,
Penggunaan internet sebagai sumber maklumat industri pelancongan di Malaysia.
Jurnal Pengurusan, 19
ISSN 0127-2713
Omar Hasan K,
Epidemiologic methodology in public health: new frontiers & challenges.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 6
pp. 10-28.
ISSN 1675-1663
Phua, K.L.,
HMOs and managed care in Malaysia: what can we anticipate from the experience of Singapore and the United States?
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 6
pp. 167-175.
ISSN 1675-1663
Professor Dr. P.S. Sangal,
Enforcement of intellectual property rights
and dispute settlement.
Jurnal Undang-undang, 4
ISSN 1394-7729
Rahmah Hashim,
Memasyarakatkan komunikasi maklumat (TKM) menerusi Projek E-Komuniti: yakin boleh?
Jurnal Komunikasi ; Malaysian Journal of Communication, 16
pp. 141-160.
ISSN 0128-1496
Rahmah Ismail,
Keselamatan produk dan perlindungan
pengguna – satu tinjauan.
Jurnal Undang-undang, 4
ISSN 1394-7729
Rahmah Ismail, and Lum, Heap Sum
Impact of occupational safety and health Act 1994 towards labour demand by the manufacturing sector: a case study in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor.
Jurnal Pengurusan, 19
ISSN 0127-2713
Rahman. I.,
Combination vaccine - the importance and role in public health set up.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 6
pp. 34-39.
ISSN 1675-1663
Riza Atiq O.K.Rahmat, and Lim , Wai Yip
Pemodelan pemilihan kenderaan bagi perjalanan antara Bangi dengan Kuala
Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 12
Rizaudin Sahlan, and Abu Sufian Abu Bakar, and Abdul Rahim Anuar,
Laluan pengembangan pelaburan di Malaysia
Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, 34
pp. 77-92.
ISSN 0127-1962
Roslinda Mohamed Fadzil,
The effects of fraud/forgery on a letter of
credit: an international perspective.
Jurnal Undang-undang, 4
ISSN 1394-7729
Rosnah S.,
A comparative study on the attitude and practice of the nursing staffs in urban and rural areas on home visiting.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 6
pp. 143-154.
ISSN 1675-1663
Rozita Ibrahim,
Menangani permasalahan alam sekitar: peranan pendidikan dan kesedaran alam sekitar.
MALIM: Jurnal Pengajian Umum Asia Tenggara, 01
ISSN 1511-8393
Sahimi, M.S. and Subdararajan, E. and Subramaniam, M. and Hamid, N.A.A.
A new high order iterative alternating decomposition explicit method to solve the heat conduction equation.
Sains Malaysiana, 29
pp. 93-102.
ISSN 0126-6039
Sakina Shaik Ahmad Yusoff,
Doktrin kebebasan berkontrak dalam kontrak
jualan barang : ketidaksesuaian sebagai
doktrin landasan pembentukan
undang-undang kontrak pengguna.
Jurnal Undang-undang, 4
ISSN 1394-7729
Samsu Adabi Mamat,
Konsep minoriti Muslim.
Islamiyyat : Jurnal Antarabangsa Pengajian Islam; International Journal of Islamic Studies, 21
ISSN 0216-5636
Samsudin A. Rahim, and Latiffah Pawanteh,
Media penetration and cultural consequences on adolescents in Malaysia.
Jurnal Komunikasi ; Malaysian Journal of Communication, 16
pp. 51-70.
ISSN 0128-1496
Shamsul Amri Baharuddin,
llmu Kolonial Tunjang Pembinaan ilmu sains sosial di Malaysia: satu perbincangan kritis.
MALIM: Jurnal Pengajian Umum Asia Tenggara, 01
ISSN 1511-8393
Shazali Abu Mansor, and Alias Radam,
Productivity and efficiency performance of the
Malaysian life insurance industry.
Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, 34
pp. 93-105.
ISSN 0127-1962
Shukor Kholil,
Liputan agensi berita antarabangsa tentang dunia Islam yang disiarkan dalam Akhbar Indonesia.
Jurnal Komunikasi ; Malaysian Journal of Communication, 16
pp. 161-176.
ISSN 0128-1496
Siti Masrinda Tasirin, and Chang , Wun Ching
Pemisahan zarah mengguna teknik ayak: Kesan parameter pengoperasian ke
atas kecekapan.
Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 12
Sulaiman, SH,
Hak menentukan nasib sendiri dalam
kerangka persatuan dan kesatuan
bangsa Indonesia.
Jurnal Undang-undang, 4
ISSN 1394-7729
Syed Mohamed Aljunid,
Penswastaan perkhidmatan kesihatan awam: adakah kita bersedia.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 6
pp. 59-68.
ISSN 1675-1663
Uda Hashim, and Abu Hassan Shaari, and Burhanudin Yeop Majlis, and Sahbudin Shaari,
Optimization of titanium silicide formation on boron doped silicon using statistical design.
Sains Malaysiana, 29
pp. 163-170.
ISSN 0126-6039
Uda Hashim, and Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis, and Sahbudin Shaari,
Pencirian proses penyediaan titanium silisida untuk kegunaan saling hubung
litar bersepadu CMOS.
Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 12
Umi K.,
Pengurusan krisis wabak penyakit: dilema sumber media.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 6
pp. 110-119.
ISSN 1675-1663
Yahya, B.,
Use of electronic media in health promotion: is it cost effective?
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 6
pp. 29-31.
ISSN 1675-1663
Zainal Abidin Hashim,
Pembandaran dan kenaikan nilai harta tanah di Malaysia.
pp. 27-46.
ISSN 0126-5008
Zainunnisaa Abd. Rahman,
Rights of maintenance for grandparents and
other relatives under Islamic law in Malaysia.
Jurnal Undang-undang, 4
ISSN 1394-7729
Zaleha A. S., and Cila U.,
An integrated delivery system (IDS) for the management of audiological services in Malaysia.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 6
pp. 102-109.
ISSN 1675-1663
Zulfahmi Ali Rahman, and Sahibin Abd Rahim, and Hazizi Esa,
Ciri fizikal tanah pada kegagalan cerun sepanjang jalan utama Bangi Lama, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Sains Malaysiana, 29
pp. 233-255.
ISSN 0126-6039
Zulkarnain Mohamed,
Identity crisis facing Islamic literature.
Islamiyyat : Jurnal Antarabangsa Pengajian Islam; International Journal of Islamic Studies, 21
ISSN 0216-5636
Nor Azimi, Y.,
Dengue outbreak in 1998 - Terengganu experience.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 6
pp. 75-84.
ISSN 1675-1663
Ramlee R.,
Managing the public during the nipah virus outbreak in Negeri Sembilan.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 6
pp. 69-74.
ISSN 1675-1663
Razali Ismail,
Paving the way for a public health renaissance.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 6
pp. 1-9.
ISSN 1675-1663
This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 01:04:53 2025 MYT.