Number of items: 325.
A L Khalib, and H U Ngan,
Workplace bullying: time to understand its roots.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 12
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A M Rizal, and M H Enna, and S M Aljunid, and A G Rohana, and Z Soehardy, and C T K Norella,
Cost-effectiveness analysis of continuous venovenous hemofiltration therapy in the treatment of sepsis in Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia: a comparison between high volume and standard dose hemofiltration.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 12
pp. 1-8.
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Abd Rahim Md Nor, and Nor Ghani Md Nor,
Empowering public transport for urban environmental management.
Malaysian Journal of Environmental Management, 7
pp. 93-111.
ISSN 1511-7855
Abdul Ghani Abdullah,
Motivasi guru dan pengurusan budaya kolaboratif pengurus
pendidikan wanita.
Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia, 31
pp. 97-105.
ISSN 0126-6020 / 2180-0782
Abdul Haris Muhammad, and Khadijah Shamsuddin,
Family influence on smoking habits among secondary school children, 1997.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 12
ISSN 1675-1663
Abdul Rahman Embong,
Pengenalan editor: rethinking development and development studies.
pp. 91-94.
ISSN 0126-5008
Abdul Samad Hadi, and Abdul Hadi Harman Shah, and Shaharudin Idrus,
Urban planning for sustainable urbanization.
Malaysian Journal of Environmental Management, 7
pp. 129-139.
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Abdullah A, and Shaharudin MH, and Ami M, and Awang MA, and Marhaban JA, and Othman BF, and Zulfiqar MA, and Saim L,
Cochlear implantation in children with labyrinthitis ossificans.
Medicine & Health, 1
ISSN 1823-2140
Abu Bakar Awang Ngah, and Mohd Hatta Md. Ramli,
Utilization of outpatient of health services among adult and factors affecting it in Bachok District, Kelantan (February 1996- Mac 1996), 1996.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 12
ISSN 1675-1663
Abu Hassan Shaari Mohd Nor, and Chin , Wen Cheong
Long memory and asymmetric volatility behaviour of the Malaysian stock market: a statistical modelling approach.
Sains Malaysiana, 35
pp. 67-73.
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Adibah Hani Haron, and Md. Idris Mohd Nor,
Perception and behaviour on blood glucose control among diabetic patient in Kuantan district, Pahang on 1997.
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Ahmad Baharuddin Abdullah, and Amti Samad, and Zaidi Mohd Ripin,
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Ahmad Kamal Ariffin, and Nik Abdullah Nik Mohamed, and Syarizal Fonna,
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Ahmad Nazlim Yusoff, and Mohd Harith Hashim, and Mohd Mahadir Ayob, and Iskandar Kassim,
Pengaktifan otak akibat gerakan jari bagi subjek dominan tangan kanan dan kiri.
Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia, 4
pp. 63-83.
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Ahmad Raqib Ab. Ghani, and Wan Hashim Wan Ibrahim, and Ahmad Farhan Mohd Sadullah,
Penentuan hubungan laju-aliran lalu lintas jalan arteri.
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Ahmad Razid Salleh, and Osman Ali,
Factors influencing non-adherence among tuberculosis patients treated under the control program at Institute of Respiratory Medicine, Kuala Lumpur Hospital, 1998.
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Ahmad Rodoni,
Monetary policy analysis towards inflation and capital market performance.
Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, 40
pp. 27-46.
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Ahmad Shehu Abdulssalam,
Gender and sexuality: An Islamic perspective.
SARI: Jurnal Alam dan Tamadun Melayu, 24
pp. 34-48.
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Ahmad Zabidi Abdul Razak,
Ciri iklim sekolah berkesan: Implikasinya terhadap
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Ahmad Zorin Sahalan, and Baharudin Omar, and Aima Yusirah Mohamed, and John Jeffery,
Antibacterial activity of extracted Hemolymph from larvae and pupae of local fly species Musca Domestica and Chrysomya Megacephala.
Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia, 4
pp. 1-11.
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Ahris Yaakup, and Foziah Johar, and Siti Zalina Abu Bakar, and Haibenarisal Bajuri,
Pendekatan penilaian kawasan sensitif alam sekitar
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Malaysian Journal of Environmental Management, 7
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Aina Rahizan Mat Jamial,
Gender-biasness of challenges designed and television portrayal of gender in explorace 2: a feminist approach to stereotypes and patriarchal ideology.
Jurnal Komunikasi ; Malaysian Journal of Communication, 22
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Aini Janteng, and Suzeini Abdul Halim, and Maslina Darus,
Hankel determinant for functions starlike and convex with respect to symmetric points.
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Aini Rasimah A. Wahab, and K.G.Rampal,
Effect of pregnancy on working women in Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, 1998.
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Aishah Ahmad Makinuddin, and Osman Ali,
Knowledge, attitude and practice among midwives and community nurses on cervical cancer in the state of Kedah in 1997.
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Akmal Hussain,
Some aspects of contemporary inter-state behaviour in the context of combating terrorism.
pp. 25-36.
ISSN 0126-5008
Ambigapathy Pandian,
What works in the classroom? promoting literacy practices in English.
3L; Language,Linguistics and Literature,The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies., 11
pp. 15-39.
ISSN 0128-5157
Amin M.C.I, and Soom R.M, and Ahmad I., and Lian H.H,
Carboxymethyl Cellulose from palm oil empty fruit bunch – their properties and use as a Film Coating Agent.
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Aminudin Basir @ Ahmad, and Mohd Radzi Othman, and Nik Yusri Musa,
Konsep Al-Sunnah menurut ahli hadith.
MALIM: Jurnal Pengajian Umum Asia Tenggara, 7
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Amriah Buang,
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dalam mengurus kesejahteraan sumber sekitaran serantau.
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 2
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Anita Suleiman, and Md. Idris Mohd Nor,
Risk factors of coronary heart disease among male patients in Kuala Lumpur Hospital : a case-control study, 1995.
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Arawati Agus, and Mhd. Suhaimi Ahmad,
A multivariate analysis on the impact of service quality determinants on customer satisfaction.
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pp. 17-28.
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Arujunan Narayanan,
Japanese atrocities and British minor war crimes trials after world war II in the east.
Jebat: Malaysian Journal of History, Politics and Strategic Studies, 33
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Asits Sanna, and Noor Hidayah Ishak,
The influence of population movement and acceptance of malaria control programme on malaria occurrence in Tawau, Sabah , 1997.
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Asmah Zainal Abidin, and Jamal Hisham Hashim,
A study of blood lead level of children from clinics in two districts in Perak, 1997.
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Awang Sariyan,
Persoalan epistemologi dalam disiplin lingiustik dan relevansinya dengan linguistik Melayu.
Jurnal Melayu, 2
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Aydin Gezer, and Kursat Akbulut,
Geodesics and killing vector fields in a tangent bundle.
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 2
pp. 115-121.
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Azahan Awang, and Abdul Samad Hadi, and Jamaluddin Md. Jahi, and Asmah Ahmad, and Abdul Hadi Harman Shah,
Mendefinisi semula makna kualiti hidup masyarakat bandar dalam konteks ilmu sosial.
Malaysian Journal of Environmental Management, 7
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Azfa Raihani Juraimi, and Mohamad Yusof Maskat, and Wan Aida Wan Mustapha,
Pengaruh suhu penggorengan terhadap kandungan lembapan dan lemak nuget ayam bersalut.
Sains Malaysiana, 35
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Azimin Samsul Mohd Tazilan, and Zuhairuse Md Darus, and Abdul Halim Ismail, and Azami Zaharin,
New design paradigm for boundary and urban public spaces.
Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 18
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Azizah Ab. Manan, and Syed Mohamed Aljunid,
The impact of privatisation of support service: an assesment by staff in three Hospitals in Kedah, 1998.
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Azizah Jaafar, and Halimah Badioze Zaman, and Tengku Mohd Tengku Sembok,
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Jurnal Teknologi Maklumat dan Multimedia, 3
pp. 89-106.
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Azlizan Mat Enh,
Reaksi kuasa besar dalam konflik di Bosnia Herzegovina 1875-1878.
Jebat: Malaysian Journal of History, Politics and Strategic Studies, 33
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Azmi Arifin,
Konsep feudalisme: takrif, ciri-ciri dan garis sempadan.
Jebat: Malaysian Journal of History, Politics and Strategic Studies, 33
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Azmi Hassan, and K.G. Rampal,
Prevalence of back pain and risk factors among bus drivers in Kelantan Darul Naim, 1995.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 12
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Baba Md Deros, and Sha’ri Mohd Yusof, and Azhari Md Salleh,
Perceptions and practices of critical success factors in benchmarking implementation in Malaysian automotive manufacturing companies.
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 2
pp. 45-61.
ISSN 1823-5670
Baba Md Deros, and Sha’ri Mohd Yusof, and Azhari Md Salleh,
A survey on critical factors and problems in implementing benchmarking
towards achieving business competitiveness in SMEs.
Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 18
pp. 29-37.
Badrul Redzuan Abu Hassan,
Veni vidi vici: vilified visuality of Indonesian PATIs.
3L; Language,Linguistics and Literature,The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies., 11
pp. 41-60.
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Balkis Ab. Karim, and Khalib Abd Latip,
Knowledge and perception and towards PAP Smear among women who visited health clinics in Kuala Terengganu district, 1997.
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Bromeley Philip, and Tan, Kim Hua
Metacognitive strategy instruction (MSI) for reading:
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p. 27.
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Bromeley Philip, and Koo, Yew Lie
Social-motivational metacognitive strategy instruction (SMMS1): breaking the silence in language reading classes.
3L; Language,Linguistics and Literature,The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies., 11
pp. 171-190.
ISSN 0128-5157
Chin , Yee Whah
Penang Small and Medium Enterprises: struggle, accomodation and challenges.
pp. 17-35.
ISSN 0126-5008
Chooi-Fun Leong, and Soon-Keng Cheong,
Reduction of Tear-Drop poikilocytes in a case of myelofibrosis following splenectomy.
Medicine & Health, 1
ISSN 1823-2140
Christine Campbell,
Saga and Pungkad two novel views of nation building.
Jurnal Melayu, 2
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Ding, Choo Ming
Wajah terbuka dan hidup tertutup: Gender dan seksualiti
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SARI: Jurnal Alam dan Tamadun Melayu, 24
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ISSN 0127-2721
Eddie Shahril Ismail, and Yahya Abu Hasan,
A new version of ElGamal signature scheme.
Sains Malaysiana, 35
pp. 69-72.
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Edlic Sathiamurthy, and Chan, Ngai Weng
Hydrodynamic behaviour change at Rambai river outlet, Juru river basin, Penang.
Malaysian Journal of Environmental Management, 7
pp. 59-75.
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Enver Tatar, and Ramazan Dikici ,
Diagnosing students’ difficulties in learning mathematics: the case of binary operation.
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 2
pp. 91-102.
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Ewe, L.S. and Hamid, N.A. and Abd-Shukor, R.
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Farah Fauzi, and Arimii Fitri Mat Ludin, and Mahadir Ahmad, and Kamarul Zaman Maidin,
Kesan senaman aerobik terhadap penanda stres terpilih di kalangan pelajar semasa musim peperiksaan akademik.
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pp. 27-37.
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Faridahwati Mohd. Shamsudin,
Organisational misbehaviour.
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Fatihah Suja’, and Tom Donnelly,
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Fatimah A. Majid, and Hanafiah Mohd. Salleh,
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Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 12
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Fatimah Muda, and Osman Ali,
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Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 12
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Fauzias Mat Nor, and Razali Ismail,
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Jurnal Pengurusan, 25
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Fu, Xin
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Geok, Chin Tan and Mohd Sidik Shiran, and Manickam Swaminathan, and Poo, Ling Ong and Md Ali Siti Aishah, and Mohd Dali Ahmad Zailani Hatta,
Villoglandular papillary adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix with lymph node metastasis - A case report and review of the literature.
Medicine & Health, 1
ISSN 1823-2140
Goh, Sin Kok
What makes a truly prosperous society?
Coexistence & cooperation for the future of Asia & Oceania.
e-BANGI: Jurnal Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, 1
p. 6.
ISSN 1823-884x
Hafriza Burhanudeen,
Diplomatic language: an insight from speeches used in international diplomacy.
pp. 37-51.
ISSN 0126-5008
Halimah Harun,
Minat, motivasi dan kemahiran mengajar guru pelatih.
Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia, 31
pp. 83-96.
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Haryati Hasan,
Hubungan pelacuran - penghijrahan: "tarikan" atau "tolakan"?
Jebat: Malaysian Journal of History, Politics and Strategic Studies, 33
pp. 73-95.
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Hasnah Bibon, and Mohd Hatta Md. Ramli,
Knowledge, attitude and practice of prevention towards HIV/AIDS amongst health personnel in Tapah Hospital , Perak, 1996.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 12
ISSN 1675-1663
Hasnan Kasan,
Penginstitusian pentadbiran hukum syarak
di Semenanjung Malaysia.
SARI: Jurnal Alam dan Tamadun Melayu, 24
pp. 173-189.
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Hasnan Kasan,
Prosedur mengeluar dan menguatkuasa fatwa di
semenanjung Malaysia.
Jurnal Undang-undang, 10
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Hasnilawati Mohamad, and Hanafiah Mohd Salleh,
Factors influencing family planning practice among husbands in the district of Marang, Terengganu , 1996.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 12
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Hazita Azman,
English language in rural Malaysia: situating global literacies in local practices.
3L; Language,Linguistics and Literature,The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies., 11
pp. 99-119.
ISSN 0128-5157
Haziyah Hussin,
Aktiviti seni dan budaya lampau: penghasilan dan penggunaan tekstil di alam melayu dari sudut sejarah silam.
Jebat: Malaysian Journal of History, Politics and Strategic Studies, 33
pp. 96-103.
ISSN 2180-0251
Heng Siam-Heng,
Beyond the ideas of economic growth and economic development.
pp. 95-101.
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Hishamuddin Ismail, and Zaharah Bakar, and Aliah Hanim M. Salleh,
Buyer satisfaction and loyalty - evidence from the industrial goods market.
Jurnal Pengurusan, 25
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Ho, Siew Eng and Gurbinder Kaur, and Syed Rozaidi Wafa,, and Syed Zulkifli Syed Zakaria, and Razali Omar,
Post-Cardiac surgery patient satisfaction with quality nursing Care at Institute Jantung Negara (IJN).
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ISSN 1823-2140
I. Arul Aram,
Mutual influences of e-governanance and journalism.
Jurnal Komunikasi ; Malaysian Journal of Communication, 22
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IM Sulaiman, and HS Lee, and S Balan, and MZ Jaafar,
Intraoperative glycaemic control in Non insulin dependent Diabetes Mellitus: a comparison between normal saline and ringer’s lactate.
Medicine & Health, 1
ISSN 1823-2140
Ibrahim Jantan,
The Scientific Values of Malaysian Herbal Products.
Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia, 4
pp. 59-70.
ISSN 1675-8161
Idris Aman, and Rosniah Mustaffa,
Classroom discourse of Malay language lesson:
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e-BANGI: Jurnal Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, 1
p. 24.
ISSN 1823-884x
Idris Aman, and Mohammad Fadzeli Jaafar,
Interdiscursivity in leadership discourse.
3L; Language,Linguistics and Literature,The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies., 12
pp. 29-43.
ISSN 0128-5157
Ismail Salleh, and Jamal Hisham Hashim,
Prevalence study of cholinesterase inhibition among RKPBV staff in Negeri Sembilan, 1996.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 12
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Jamaiyah Hj. Haniff, and Hanafiah Mohd. Salleh,
Cataract prevalence amongst the elderly community of Rumah Seri Kenangan Cheras, 1994.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 12
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Jamal Othman, and Redzuan Othman, and Nor Ghani Md. Nor,
Welfare impacts of air quality changes in Malaysia: the hedonic pricing approach.
Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, 40
pp. 47-58.
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Jamaliah Md. Jahim, and Noor Intan Shafinas Muhammad, and Wu, Ta Yeong
Factor analysis in itaconic acid fermentation using filtered POME by
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Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 18
pp. 39-48.
Jamaludin Haji Badusah, and Mohamed Amin Embi,
Keberkesanan penggunaan buku elektronik: penulisan karangan berbentuk deskriptif.
Jurnal Teknologi Maklumat dan Multimedia, 3
pp. 43-54.
ISSN 1823-0113
James T. Collin,
Linguistik sejarawi dan alam Melayu.
Jurnal Melayu, 2
pp. 53-75.
ISSN 1675-7513
Jamia Azdina Jamal, and Azmira Akmal Sateri, and Khairana Husain, and Ibrahim Jantan, and Mohd Shahidan Mohd Arshad,
Perbandingan Pelbagai Kaedah Pengekstrakan Air Labisia pumila var. alata.
Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia, 4
pp. 37-45.
ISSN 1675-8161
Jamilah Mustafa, and Siti Hamin Stapa, and Lee, Siew Chin and Bahiyah Dato' Abdul Hamid,
Investigating students' personal constructs in writing research proposals: a case study.
3L; Language,Linguistics and Literature,The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies., 12
pp. 65-82.
ISSN 0128-5157
Jamsiah Mustafa, and Hanafiah Mohd Salleh,
Family planning among Orang Asli women in District of Hulu Langat Selangor Darul Ehsan, 1994.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 12
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Jannatul Naemah Mohamed Sedek, and Nor Azam Ramli, and Ahmad Shukri Yahaya,
Air quality predictions using log normal distribution functions of particulate matter in Kuala Lumpur.
Malaysian Journal of Environmental Management, 7
pp. 33-41.
ISSN 1511-7855
Jasbeer Singh, and Noor Hassim Ismail,
A study of prevalence of low back pain among workers of Dunham-Bush Industries Sdn. Bhd. Kajang Selangor, 1998.
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Juita Ghazalie, and Osman Ali,
Drug addiction and HIV infection amongst male in Malaysia, 1994.
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Kadaruddin Aiyub, and Gerrard, S, and Martin, A,
Globalisation of environmental protection: future challenges for Malaysian businesses.
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pp. 3-18.
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Kadir Arifin, and Jamaluddin Md. Jahi, and Abd Rahim Md Nor,
Perlaksanaan ISO 14000 dan kesannya terhadap peningkatan kos di kalangan organisasi di Malaysia.
Malaysian Journal of Environmental Management, 7
pp. 77-92.
ISSN 1511-7855
Kalsom Kayat, and Nor Ashikin Mohd. Nor,
Penglibatan ahli komuniti dalam program pembangunan komuniti: program homestay di Kedah.
pp. 77-102.
ISSN 0126-5008
Kalthum Ibrahim,
Maria Zaitun dalam Salam Maria lambang wanita mukmin
masa kini.
GEMA: Online Journal of Language Studies, 6
pp. 11-20.
ISSN 1675-8021
Kamal Halili Hassan,
Issues relating to pre-adjudication of
industrial disputes.
Jurnal Undang-undang, 10
ISSN 1394-7729
Kamariah Hussain, and Md Idris Mohd Nor,
A case control study of factors of human behaviour that influence the risk of typhoid infection in Pasir Mas, Kelantan, 1996.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 12
ISSN 1675-1663
Kamarulzaman Ibrahim , and Heng , Khai Theng
Modeling of fatal injury rates among Malaysian workers using poisson regression approach.
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 2
pp. 75-80.
ISSN 1823-5670
Kasemani Embong, and KG Rampal,
Muskuloskeletal and reproductive problems among the female workers in batik factories at Kuala Terengganu, 1998.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 12
ISSN 1675-1663
Katiman Rostam,
Pembandaran dan perkembangan wilayah metropolitan lanjutan Lembah Klang-Langat, Malaysia.
e-BANGI: Jurnal Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, 1
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ISSN 1823-884x
Katiman Rostam, and Roslia Ahmad, and Mohd Yusof Hussain,
Urbanization and the changing habitat: The case of
the Malay housing compound in Malaysia.
e-BANGI: Jurnal Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, 1
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 1823-884x
Katiman Rostam ,
Migrasi ke kawasan pinggiran wilayah metropolitan Lembah Klang.
pp. 3-27.
ISSN 0126-5008
Khairul Anwar Mastor,
Personaliti malu dan psikologi membuat keputusan di
kalangan pelajar melayu.
MALIM: Jurnal Pengajian Umum Asia Tenggara, 7
pp. 67-80.
ISSN 1511-8393
Khalijah Mohd Yusof, and Hanafiah Mohd Salleh,
Knowledge, perception and practice of breast self examination among daughter of breast cancer patient and daughter of non breast cancer patient, 1999.
Jurnal Kesihatan Masyarakat, 12
ISSN 1675-1663
Khazriyati Salehuddin, and Tan, Kim Hua and Marlyna Maros,
Definiteness and indefiniteness: a contrastive analysis of the use Of determiners between the Malay Language and English.
GEMA: Online Journal of Language Studies, 6
pp. 21-30.
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Kok, Howe Sen and Tara Mary George, and Mae-Lynn Catherine Bastion, and Muhaya Hj Mohamad,
Two cases of retinal vasculitis in ocular tuberculosis involving different parts of the vascular system.
Medicine & Health, 1
ISSN 1823-2140
Koo, Yew Lie
Exploring pluriliteracy as theory and practice in multilingual/cultural contexts.
3L; Language,Linguistics and Literature,The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies., 11
pp. 79-98.
ISSN 0128-5157
Koo, Yew Lie and Peter Kell, and Wook, Fook Fei
Language, literacy and diversity @ 21st century: a new basics for designing global learning.
3L; Language,Linguistics and Literature,The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies., 12
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 0128-5157
Koo, Yew Lie and Peter Kell,
Language, literacy and education in diverse contexts; theory, research and practice.
3L; Language,Linguistics and Literature,The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies., 11
pp. 1-13.
ISSN 0128-5157
Kursat Akbulut , and Arif Salimov ,
Infinitesimal affine transformations in a tangent bundle of a riemannian manifold with affine connection sΔ=cΔ+vH.
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 2
pp. 29-35.
ISSN 1823-5670
Lam Peng Er,
Beyond Utopianism and despair: indigenous models of development?.
pp. 103-109.
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Latifah Amin, and Jamaluddin Md. Jahi, and Abdul Rahim Md. Nor, and Mohamad Osman, and Nor Muhammad Mahadi,
Comparison of world views related to attitude
towards modern biotechnology across religion and
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Latifah Amin, and Jamaluddin Md. Jahi, and Abdul Rahim Md. Nor, and Mohamad Osman, and Nor Muhammad Mahadi,
Factors affecting public attitude toward genetically modified food in Malaysia.
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Latifah Amin, and Mohd Azib Salleh, and Abdul Karim Abdul Ghani, and Mohd Nazir Basiran,
The development of a suitable cabbage tissue culture system for gene transformation studies.
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Laurent Metzger,
Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn and Pramoedya Ananta Toer : two rebels in the realm of literature.
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Lean, Mei Li and Usha Devi Rajaratnam,
“Waves of Destruction”: a portrayal of a natural disaster by the mass media.
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Lee , Yook Heng and Mazlin Mokhtar, and Siti Rohaya Omar ,
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pp. 1-6.
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Lee, Siew Chin and Lin, Luck Kee
The internet milieu: individualization within a globalised community.
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Leelavathi M, and Yasmin SAK, and Gomez PA, and Aznida FAA,
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Lilysuriazna Raya, and Mohammad Alinor Abdul Kadir,
Kerelatifan aksiom-aksiom utiliti tunggal nash dengan aksiom-aksiom von neumann-morgenstern.
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 2
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Linda Jean Kenix,
The internet as a diverse communicative sphere? a comparitive analysis of activist websites in the United Stated and New Zealand.
Jurnal Komunikasi ; Malaysian Journal of Communication, 22
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Lori Lockyer, and Barry Harper,
A technology-enhanced multiliteracies learning design for geography education.
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M T Azmi, and M T Emran,
A survey on computer password practices among medical undergraduate students at Faculty of Medicine, National University of Malaysia.
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M.M. Zafir, and M.H. Fazilah,
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Mahani Ahmad Hamidy, and Syed Mohamed Aljunid,
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Malliga a/p Sellapan, and Khadijah Shamsuddin,
Major factors influencing breastfeeding practice among Indian mothers in estates , 1997.
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Marilyn Kell,
Analysing literacy engagement from a sociocultural perspective: appropriating an assessment tool.
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Marina Ab. Hamid, and Jamal Hisham Hashim,
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Marina Bakri, and Md Idris Mohd Nor,
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Mariyam Jameelah Ghazali,
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Mashitoh Yaacob,
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Masni Mohd Ali, and Stephen M. Mudge,
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Masran Mohamad, and Syed Mohamed Aljunid,
The study of smoking effect on work performance among staff of Health Department of Malacca, 1996.
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Mastura Mahmud,
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Mawar Shafei,
Hipoteks sejarah dalam novel Panglima Awang.
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Mazrura Sahani, and Noor Hassim Ismail,
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Meftahuddin Tarip, and Osman Ali,
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Misran Rokimin,
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Mohamad Mohsin Mohamad Said, and Nasruddin Yunos,
Hubungan kreativiti dan ilmu pengetahuan.
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Mohamed Hashim bin Ahmad Makaruddin,
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Mohamed Ismail Ahamad Shah, and Normala Othman,
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pp. 44-64.
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Mohamed Yusoff Ismail,
Buddhism in a muslim state: Theravada practices and religious life in Kelantan.
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Mohamed Zaman Ramzan Din,
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Mohammad FadzeliJaafar,
Aspek gaya bahasa dalam teks sastera melayu
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Mohammad Haji Alias, and Shri Dewi Subramaniam, and Anizah Md. Ali,
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Mohd Anis Haron @ Harun, and Syed Mohamed Aljunid,
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Mohd Darbi B. Hashim,
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Mohd Fauzi Mohd Harun, and Nor Aini Haji Idris, and Madeline Berma, and Faridah Shahadan,
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Mohd Firdaus Raih, and Mohd Yunus Sharum,
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Mohd Khazani Abdullah, and Nur Riza Mohd Suradi, and Nordin Jamaluddin, and Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar, and A. Rahim Abu Talib , and Mohd Faizal Zainuddin,
K-Chart: a tool for research planning and monitoring.
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Mohd Nizam Osman,
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Mohd Shukri Yeoh Abdullah,
Kosmologi dalam Welstanschauung ulama sufi Melayu.
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Mohd Suhaimi Mohd Danuri,
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Mohd Tahir Ismail, and Zaidi Isa,
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Mohd. Ekhwan Toriman,
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Mohd. Zariat Abdul Rani,
Wacana seksualiti insan dalam novel pujangga Melayu
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Learning to communicate peacefully.
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Muhamad Barzani Gasim, and Mohd. Ekhwan Toriman, and Sahibin Abd Rahim, and Mir Sujaul Islam, and Choon Chek, Tan and Hafizan Juahir,
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Muhamad Hasrul Zakariah,
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Muhammad Bukhari Lubis,
Argumen kesetaraan gender - Perspektif Al-Quran:
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Muhammad Takiyuddin Ismail,
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Muhammed Shahriar Haque,
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Mus Chairil Samani,
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Mustaffa Omar, and Ishak Yussof,
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Muzaffer Okur, and Ramazan Dikici,
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Naznin Afrose Huq, and Ashraf Mahmood Dewan,
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Nik Marzuki Sidik, and Shaiful Adzni Sharifuddin, and Othman Omar , and Abdul Jalil Abdul Kader, and Sahidan Senafi,
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Nik Norulaini Nik Ab. Rahman, and Asyirah Abdul Rahim, and Fera Fizani Ahmad Fizri,
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Nik Rubiah Nik Abdul Rashid, and Khadijah Shamsuddin,
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Nizaita Omar,
Perkembangan ilmu perubatan: sebelum dan selepas
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Noor Ashah Itam Othman, and Syed Mohamed Aljunid,
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Noor Rahamah Abu Bakar,
Pendidikan dan pekerjaan di kalangan wanita di Malaysia serta keperluan bimbingan vokasional dalam pemilihan pekerjaan.
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Noor Rahamah Abu Bakar,
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Noorizah Mohd. Noor,
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Nor Azizah M. Yacob, and Roslinda Mohd Nazar ,
Mixed convection boundary layer on a solid sphere with constant surface heat flux.
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Nor Hashimah Jalaluddin,
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Nor Hashimah Jalaluddin, and Norsimah Mat Awal,
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Norazmi Abdullah, and Md Idris Mohd Nor,
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Norela Sulaiman, and Hazila Abdul Samat, and Maimon Abdullah,
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Norhamimah Abdullah, and Hanafiah Mohd. Salleh,
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Norhannan Ramli, and Jamaliah Abdul Hamid,
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Norhashidah Hj. Mohd. Ali Yuzaimi Yunus, and Nurul Fizaham Fijasri,
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Noritah Omar,
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Norizah Mokhtar, and Khalib Latip,
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Norizhar Kadarman, and K.G. Rampal,
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Norlia Abd. Aziz, and T. Subahan M. Meerah, and Lilia Halim, and Kamisah Osman,
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A study of knowledge, belief and attitude on neonatal (jaundice among Malay pregnant mothers who attend antenatal clinics in Seberang Perai Utara, 1994.
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Norsalina Harun, and Siti Norul Huda Sheikh Abdullah, and Khairuddin Omar, and Siti Rozaimah Sheikh Abdullah,
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Norsimah Mat Awal, and Hafriza Burhanudeen, and Nor Zakiah Abdul Hamid, and Mohd Azlan Mis,
Memperkasakan pelajar pasca-siswazah Indonesia dalam penulisan akademik Bahasa Melayu.
GEMA: Online Journal of Language Studies, 6
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Nur Aiza Zakaria, and KG Rampal,
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Nur Atiqah Abdullah, and Ahmad Khairy Ahmad Domil, and Nik Mutasim Hj. Nik Abd. Rahman,
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Nurul Izzah Ab Rahman, and Musa Ahmad,
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Nurul Rafidza Muhammad Rashid, and Maznizah Mohd, and Juhana Salim,
Analisis item maklumat umum laman web perpustakaan akademik.
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Ong , Puay Liu
Rumah panjang tradisi Rungus dalam arus pembangunan: perbezaan pengertian.
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Osman Rafaie, and Hanafiah Mohd Salleh,
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Othman A. Karim, and Irene Lee Pei Ngo, and Mazlin Mokhtar, and Azami Zaharim,
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Param Jeeth Singh, and Raja Jamaluddin Raja Abd. Majid,
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Peter Kell, and Gillian Vogl,
Working with global english: the experience of english language teachers in a University Language College.
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Pramela Krish,
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Puay, Eng Soon and Fiona M. Tomley, and Mohd Sanusi Jangi, and Kiew-Lian Wan,
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Rahim Aman,
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Rahmah Mohd Amin, and Khadijah Shamsuddin,
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Raja Lexshimi RG, and Raijah A. Rahim,
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Ramli Md.Salleh,
Imbuhan dan penandaan tematik dalam Bahasa Melayu.
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pp. 19-51.
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Ratnawati Yuni Suryandari,
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terhadap gunatanah dan corak pekerjaan penduduk pinggiran:
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Reena RMZ, and Julia Munchar MJ, and Salwati S,, and Hamidah NH, and Zubaidah Z, and Sharifah NA, and Cheong SK,
Detection of BCR/ABL gene in chronic Myeloid Leukaemia: comparison of Fluorescence in situ Hybridisation (FISH), conventional Cytogenetics and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) techniques.
Medicine & Health, 1
pp. 5-13.
ISSN 1823-2140
Revathi Ramiah, and Koo, Yew Lie and Jamilah Mustafa,
The discourses of doing science in English.
3L; Language,Linguistics and Literature,The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies., 11
pp. 191-211.
ISSN 0128-5157
Ria Nelly Sari, and Raja Azimah Ainuddin, and Tengku Akbar Tengku Abdullah,
Kesan padanan antara perakaunan pengurusan strategik dengan strategi perniagaan terhadap prestasi firma.
Jurnal Pengurusan, 25
pp. 87-109.
ISSN 0127-2713
Rita Hayati, and Aminah Abdullah, and Mohd Khan Ayob, and Soewarno T. Soekarto,
Kesan suhu pengeringan dan penggaraman terhadap kualiti ikan tongkol kering (euthynnus affinis).
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pp. 83-87.
ISSN 0126-6039
Rita Sundari, and Musa Ahmad, and Lee , Yook Heng
Equation modeling of Sembulan River , Sabah , as a case study using backward stepwise multiple linear regression.
Sains Malaysiana, 35
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Rohayaty Muda, and Fatimah Arshad,
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Rosniah Mustaffa,
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Rozainah, M.Z.
A coastal vegetation survey of Pahang , Malaysia.
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The study of acute respiratory infection and its contributing factors among toddlers in Seremban. 1994.
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MALIM: Jurnal Pengajian Umum Asia Tenggara, 7
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Ruhaini Ismail, and Noor Hassim Ismail,
The prevalence of occupational stress among doctors in Kuala Lumpur Hospital in 1995-1996.
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Rusilawati Jaudin, and Khadijah Shamsudin,
Risk factors of pre-marital sexual activities among female adolescents in Kuala Lumpur, 1995.
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Ruslan Rainis, and Noresah Mohd Shariff, and Tarmiji Masron,
Perubahan konsentrasi ruangan penduduk
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Ruzy Suliza Hashim,
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S., Ghon Rhee
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S. Dyah Pitaloka, and A.M. Rizal,
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Sabariah Abd. Hamid, and Hanafiah Mohd Salleh,
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Sabaridah Ismail, and Khalib Abd. Latip,
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Zaiton Nasir, and Osman Ali,
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Zanariah Abdul Majid , and Mohamed Suleiman,
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Zubair Ahmed Memon, and Muhd Zaimi Abd Majid, and Nur Izzi Md. Yusoff, and Mushairry Mustaffar,
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Zulkifley Hamid, and Rahim Aman,
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Zulkifley Hamid, and Rahim Aman,
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Zurina Mahadi, and Sino, Hukil
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